  • 期刊


From Kimball's Free-cloud Model to Electron Force Field and Bead Valence Sphere Model with Some Comments on the Valence Sphere Electron Pair Repulsion Theory


本文討論G. Kimball的自由雲球模型定性與定量的兩個發展,其中定性的最新發展是我們的串珠分子模型,而定量的最新發展則是加州理工化學教授W. Goddard III的電子力場方法。以烷類分子為例,定量的電子力場方法所計算的結果,特別是其電子雲球分佈,與動手作出來定性的串珠模型的形狀幾乎完全一樣。我們也利用這個電子力場方法,仔細分析甲烷分子的立體幾何的各種能量貢獻,結果顯示價殼層電子對的排斥能並非是甲烷分子採用正四面體的真正主要原因,四個價殼層電子對與碳原子核間有比較大的吸引能,才是造成甲烷是正四面體結構的關鍵。本文為串珠分子模型提供一個理論基礎,串珠模型是目前唯一的實體模型,可以用來更忠實的模擬許多微觀分子的電子構造。


In this article, we describe two different developments of the Kimball's free cloud model. Our bead models belong to the newest qualitative development of this model, while the electron Force Field (eFF) of W. Goddard III can be viewed as the newest quantitative development along this direction. The electron density profiles of alkanes calculated by the eFF methods are in perfect agreement with the qualitative bead models constructed by hands-on analog computations. We also carefully compare the different contributions to the total energy of methane molecule, and lead to the conclusion that repulsion energy of valence shell electron pairs is not responsible for the stability of its tetrahedral structure. Finally, the discussion in this paper provides the theoretical foundation for the bead models, which can represent faithfully many nanoscale molecular systems.
