  • 期刊

Phytophthora Disease of Some Ornamental Foliage Plants as New Records in Taiwan




自1989-1999年調查本省作物疾病時,發現有八種未曾正式報告之觀葉植物疾病,分述如下。在田間,及病菌Phytophthora parasitica自五種觀葉植物之罹病組織檢出,它引起彩葉草與椒草全株枯萎、密葉竹蕉與八角金盤葉枯、及變葉木根腐。P.citrophthora危害黃金葛全株與馬拉巴栗幼苗,造成葉片與莖部枯萎。而P.palmivora則感染鐵線蕨全株,導致葉片腐敗、葉柄褐變凹陷、及地下走根壞疽。從這八種作物分離出之三種及病菌之菌株均為標準型。這些寄主植物在接種個別分離得到的及病菌遊走子懸浮液後,都出現與田間自然發病時相同的病徵,而且相同的疫病菌亦均自發病組織回分得到。這些新病害中,P.parasitica危害變葉木、P.citrophthora危害黃金葛與馬拉巴栗、以及P.palmivora危害鐵線蕨在世界其他各地均尚未發表過。


疾病 疫病菌 新紀錄 觀葉植物 台灣


Eight new Phytophthora diseases of ornamental foliage plants were described. Phytophthora parasitica was detected from five species of plants. It caused blight and wilt of painted nettle and peperomia, leaf and stem blight of compact dracaena and fatsia, and root rot of croton. P. citrophthora was isolated from pathos and Malabar chestnut. The fungus infected the whole plants of the former and the young seedlings of the latter. P. palmivora attacked leaves, petioles, and rhizomes of maidenhair fern and induced wilt of the affected plants. Similar diseases were reproduced when seedlings, cuttings or plantings of each host were inoculated with zoospore suspension of their respective isolates of Phytophthora species in pathogenicity tests. Same species of Phytophthora was reisolated from all artificially infected tissues. All eight citrophthora on pothos and Malabar chestnut, and P. palmivora on maidenhair fern have not been described in any other places.
