  • 期刊

Control of Pythium Root Rot of Vegetable Pea Seedlings in Soilless Cultural System




本研究發展非農藥方法防治腐霉菌引起之設施豌豆苗根腐病。本病害在使用新育苗盤之農場並不嚴重,但重複使用會使罹病之碗豆根部污染育苗盤,而殘存其上病原菌(Pythium aphanidermatum和P. ultimum)之菌絲與卵孢子則成為重要感染源,因而引起嚴重的根腐病。將污染病原菌之育苗盤曝曬於陽光下數月,或將之浸泡於次氯酸鈣溶液(2000 ppm),24小時,都可有效防治本病害。在發病嚴重之炎熱夏季,使用次氯酸鈣溶液的防治方法,可使豌豆苗根腐病之發病率由60-80%降至10%以下,而且每育苗盤的平均產量由212公克提高至772公克。


This study was initiated to develop non-pesticide methods to control Pythium root rot of vegetable pea seedlings in a soilless cultural system. The disease was not prevalent when new seedling trays were used for growing pea seedlings. However, when the cultural trays were used repeatedly for the same purpose, mycelia and oospores of Pythium aphanidermatum and P. ultimum produced by the infected roots contaminated the trays and became an important inoculum source to cause severe root rot. Drying the used trays under sunlight for months or immersing the trays in a calcium hypochlorite solution (2,000 ppm) for 24 hours before planting was effective in preventing this disease. Incidences of the disease were drastically reduced from 60-80% to less than 10% and yields of pea seedlings averaged 772 g/tray to 212 g/tray when the used trays were pre-treated with calcium hypochlorite solution comparing to the non-treated controls during hot growing season.
