  • 期刊

Impact of Pink Seed of Pea Caused by Erwinia rhapontici in Canada

加拿大豌豆粉紅種子病(Erwinia rhapontici)對豌豆之影響


豌豆粉紅種子病(pink seed)係由Erwinia rhapontici所引起。將採自加拿大商業栽培田的豌豆(Delta品種)種子,在田間進行健康種子與罹病種子間的差異性比較。自西元2000至2002年連續三年的田間試驗結果顯示,罹病種子的出苗率與幼苗高度均分別較健康種子低約33%與44%。本研究亦證明植株受傷是E. rhapontici侵害豌豆的主要機制。植株於開花初期經過鐵刷處理後,所生産的種子罹粉紅種子病的百分率高、種子千粒重降低,導致産量亦隨之降低。三年田間試驗證實使用遭受E. rhapontici侵害的種子,會降低碗豆出苗率、植株生長高度及種子産量等。因此,採用健康種子是防治本病的首要關鍵。


A field study was conducted during 2000-2002 at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada to determine the impact of pink seed of pea caused by the bacterial pathogen, Erwinia rhapontici, on seedling emergence, seedling vigor, seed quality, and seed yield. Seeds of peas, cv. Delta, from commercial seed lots were used for each year of the study. Use of E. rhapontici-infected seeds for planting resulted in an average of 33% reduction (P<0.05) in seedling emergence and a 44% reduction (P<0.05) in seedling vigor (height), compared to the use of healthy seeds (control). Injury of pea plants by gentle abrasion with a stiff wire brush at the young pod stage, followed immediately by sprinkle irrigation, led to significantly (P<0.05) higher frequencies of infection by E. rhapontici in harvested seed, lower 1000-kernel weights, and lower seed yields, compared to uninjured controls. The 3-year field study concludes that use of E. rhapontici-infected seeds for planting reduced seedling emergence, seedling vigor and seed yields of pea. The possibilities for managing this seedborne disease of pea are discussed.


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