  • 期刊


Investigation of Dominant Weed Species and Populations in Eight Orchards in Western Taiwan


果樹在栽培過程中,園區內的雜草會競爭養分與水分,造成減產問題,因此須要進行適當的雜草防治,而了解田間的雜草種類是雜草管理的第一步。本研究於2017年8月至2018年8月間調查臺灣西部重要果樹園區,主要包括柑桔、番石榴、梨、葡萄、紅龍果、香蕉、檬果、柿等八種作物,北自新竹,南至高雄共9縣市132個果園。由於雜草的生長適溫不同,可明顯區分為暖季草與冷季草,因此分別於冷暖二季進行果園雜草種類、發生頻率與平均覆蓋率的調查,再進階估算各草優勢度及羅列目前果園中主要雜草。結果在臺灣西部果園中共有50科216種雜草,其中主要為菊科(Asteraceae)與禾本科(Poaceae)各有31種,其次為莎草科(Cyperaceae)、大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)、豆科(Fabaceae)、莧科(Amaranthaceae)、蓼科(Polygonaceae)與玄參科(Scrophulariaceae)。八種果樹園區中主要雜草種類同一季節的相似度高,但單一種雜草在冷暖二季之間的差異較為明顯。調查之果園中前15種優勢雜草,以大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa var. radiata)和牛筋草(Eleusine indica)於冷暖季皆為最優勢雜草;其次兩耳草(Paspalum conjugatum)、平伏莖白花菜(Cleome rutidosperma)、短葉水蜈蚣(Kyllinga brevifolia) 與竹仔菜(Commelina diffusa)屬於暖季優勢草;而兔仔菜(Ixeris chinensis)、光果龍葵(Solanum americanum)、紫花酢漿草(Oxalis corymbosa)、紫花藿香薊(Ageratum houstonianum)、黃鵪菜(Youngia japonica)與鵝兒腸(Stellaria aquatica)屬於冷季優勢草。依據果園草相調查的結果,未來可進行不同生態面之應用管理,如藥劑的輪替策略、高繁殖潛力雜草的管理時機、外來植物防疫、分布與蔓延的持續追蹤等,以維護作物的生產質量。


雜草 果園 草相調查 暖季草 冷季草 優勢種


In the process of orchard cultivation, competition by weeds for nutrients and water results in reductions in the yield of harvests; therefore, it crucial to implement proper weed control. An investigation of weeds growing in an orchard is the first step of weed management. This study investigated weed populations in orchards located in western Taiwan between August 2017 to August 2018, which included eight main crops: citrus, guava, pear, grape, pitaya, banana, mango and kaki. Because the species of weeds were divided into warm and cool seasons according to the temperatures at which they grow, this study analyzed incidence and average coverage, calculated advanced dominance, and then ranked the major weeds that grew in the orchards. We found 50 families and 216 species of weeds, which mainly included 31 species of the Asteraceae and Poaceae family, followed by species from the Cyperaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Amaranthaceae, Polygonaceae, and Scrophulariaceae families. Among the eight orchards, the major weeds were highly similar in the same season; however, we identified large variations of the species of weeds in individual orchards - between the warm and cool season. We found the following characteristics for the top 15-ranked major weeds: pilose beggarticks (Bidens pilosa var. radiata) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) were most dominant in both the warm and cool season; sour grass (Paspalum conjugatum), fringed spiderflower (Cleome rutidosperma), short-leaved kyllinga (Kyllinga brevifolia), and limbing dayflower (Commelina diffusa) were dominant in the warm season; and Chinese ixeris (Ixeris chinensis), American black nightshade (Solanum americanum), violet wood-sorrel oxalis (Oxalis corymbosa), tropic ageratum (Ageratum houstonianum), oriental hawksbeard (Youngia japonica), and goose starwort (Stellaria aquatica) were dominant in the cool season. Studies in general of weeds in orchards can also serve as a reference and further ecological research, for example, in the research on strategies on herbicide rotation, on the timing for the management of species that rapidly reproduce, and on controlling the invasion of exotic plants species, all of which thus lead to high qualities and abundant quantities of crops.
