  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



室內定位技術已經被廣泛應用於各個室內空間裡,如機場、停車場及博物館等,讓使用者無法使用全球衛星定位系統(Global positioning system)的情形下在室內空間也能夠提供自己辨識方位及追蹤目標。然而室內定位技術亦可協助商店與賣場做資料的搜集,稱為被動式觀察系統(Passive Tracking System),讓商家可以定位出使用者的位置,藉此瞭解使用者的消費行為模式並提供更好的服務。本研究將探討如何利用被動式觀察系統分析使用者於室內環境的移動軌跡。我們利用架設設備成本較低的輔助觀測節點(Monitor Node),搭配現有Wi-Fi室內定位技術,計算使用者於室內所有移動的位置,藉此分析及紀錄使用者的行走路徑,讓商家不必負擔額外的成本也可以確實達到觀測使用者的目的。


Nowadays, indoor position technology has been widely used in various indoor space and let peoples determine their own locations or track targets, such as airports, car parks and museums. Indoor position technologies also helps the merchants to track customers' locations and collect their information, which called Passive tracking system. The Merchants could use passive tracking system to determine peoples’ location and understand peoples' consuming behaviors and provide better services for them. In this paper, we propose a passive tracking system to analysis peoples’ movements in indoor space. We use low cost equipments, called monitor nodes, and Wi-Fi indoor positioning technology to track people’s movements. Merchants do not need to pay extra cost to find peoples' walking route.
