

本研究目的在建立一個簡單、易懂的鎂點數表以幫助大眾認識鎂含量豐富的食物,並藉以計畫鎂的攝取量。將食物分為十二大類,並依三種方式訂定單位份量,包括:1)食物代換表中的份量(如:肉類一份為35g);2)由1993~1996國民營養健康狀況變遷調查結果算出的國人常用份量中位數(如:麵包蛋糕類為60g);及3)食物個數的重量(如:1根香蕉)。各食物計算出單位份量的鎂含量,依「每1點相當於含20 mg鎂」標準,分到對應的點數組別。點數表顯示出鎂的重要來源包括未精製穀類、堅果類、深色葉菜類和豆類等。例如:小麥胚芽為6點、麥糠為8點;堅果類及其製品大多在1~3點;蔬菜類中如莧菜、菠菜、川七、毛豆、豌豆仁、皇帝豆、蘚蠶豆、蘑姑、及海帶等都在3點以上。對19歲以上成年人來說,每日攝取食物的鎂點數在10點以上可達國人膳食營養素參考攝取量。建議在評估民眾鎂點數攝取量後,指導如何在同一類食物中多選擇點數高的食物,取代點數較低者,以達到鎂的建議攝取量。


This study is to establish an user-friendly counting system for magnesium-rich foods, so as to help people plan a diet with an adequate amount of magnesium. Foods were classified into 12 categories. Three principles were employed to determine the portion sizes : 1) using the standard portion size for foods. For example, one serving of meat is 35 g; 2) using the median intake size for each food category, calculated from the 1993-96 Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT). For example, per serving for bread or cake is 60 g; and 3) using the weight of one or several piece (s) of food, such as one banana. Given the above-designated portion sizes, the magnesium content for each food was calculated based on one point is equivalent to 20 mg of magnesium, and then the food was placed into the corresponding point-group. The results showed that whole- grain cereals were a generally good source of magnesium. For example, wheat germ and wheat bran were rated as 6 and 8 points, respect ively. In addition, most of the nuts and nut products were 1 to 3 points; the dark green leafy vegetables, three-colored amaranth, spinach, and madeira vine were 3 points or more. For adults over 19 years old, a daily consumption of 10 points of magnesium-rich foods along with other foods provides a diet meeting the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI5). People may switch from the low-magnesium-point foods to the high-point ones in the same categories to achieve the level recommended by the DRIs.



