  • 期刊


The Legal Assistance for the Juveniles of Intelligent Disorder by the Viewpoint of Special Education




Based on economic growth and social development, the social welfare has become more completed in Taiwan. Particularly, the social welfare system for people with disabilities, including human rights, economy, culture, education and legal assistance, etc. The goal of legal assistance is set up for protecting the person with disabilities from hurt. It shows that social progress of Taiwan has been so apparent over the last few years since 1970s. Since the education is very important and fundamental to the advanced society, the purpose of this article is to discuss the issue on integration of the special education with legal assistance. Therefore, the article will develop two basis viewpoints, the former, to integrate legal courses into special education; the latter, to improve cognitive ability of judicial officials in special education. Firstly, the article analyzes what typical characteristics the intelligent disorder has. Subsequently, discussing the dilemmas of the intelligent disorder who faces the case of judgment. Finally, the article will emphasize a viewpoint on particular interrogation skills named NICHD for disabled students. By providing this kind of legal assistance, the disabled students could avoid the dilemmas in a law case.


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