  • 期刊


Analysis on Democratic Peaceful Cooperation Framework Agreement, DPCFA, between Taiwan & Mainland China


台商存在的價值帶動了兩岸經濟合作的發展,並建構了兩岸經濟合作架構協議之框架的可能性,進而建構兩岸經濟合作實踐性及未來性。而台商更是開啟兩岸未來「政治對話」的關鍵角色。兩岸分治的現實,歸結仍是台灣對大陸現存「一黨執政」的「社會主義體制」有所「疑慮」。也因此,若大陸的制度發展往資本主義民主體制發展,則兩岸的發展,應可跳脫「一國兩制」的框架,而往「民主式」資本主義發展,又或者是往具「民主式」中國特色的資本主義發展,也就是說,「制度的差異」才是兩岸發展或交流中最深層的問題意識,但「制度」的發展並非一定朝「民主化的資本主義制度發展」,而其對「民主」的定義,也與西方式的「民主」意涵有所差異,也因此,「一國兩制」的新意涵,應是「一個國家的統合的困境奠基於不同國家制度的發展」。本研究提出「兩岸民主化和平合作架構協議」(Democratic Peaceful Cooperation Framework Agreement, DPCFA)(兩邊擱發)即〈兩岸再一次發展〉的新思維,也就是希望現存兩岸雙方兩岸經濟合作架構協議的流向,是大陸對台灣有正面協助的流向,但「兩岸民主化和平合作架構協議」則是台灣「讓利」於大陸,透過台灣政治民主化發展的經驗「協助」中國共產黨「和平過渡」到民主化的發展道路。


The value of Taiwanese Enterprise has led to development of cross-Strait economic cooperation and constructs the possibility of agreement on cross-Strait economic cooperation framework, furthermore, to build a practice and future of cross-Strait economic cooperation. Taiwan Enterprise are even more crucial in opening future "political dialogue" between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The reality of the divided governed cross-strait strait is attributed to Taiwan has "doubts" over the existent "Socialist polity" of "One-party ruling regime". Therefore, if the institutional development of the Mainland China move toward the development of a "Capitalist democracy regime", then the development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait should be able to jump out of the framework of "one country, two systems" and go toward "democratic" capitalism, or go toward "democratic" Chinese Capitalism. That is, "institutional differences" is the deepest awareness of issues in the development or communication across the Taiwan Strait. However, the development of the "institution" does not necessarily go towards the democratization of the capitalist institution. China acknowledge the definition of "democracy" also differs from that of Western "democracy". Therefore, the new meaning of "one country, two systems" should be "the dilemma of a country based on the development of different national institutions". This study proposes a new thinking of "Democratic Peaceful Cooperation Framework Agreement, DPCFA", that is, the current agreement of the economic cooperation framework (ECFA) between the two sides of the strait should be expected to China has positive assistance to Taiwan or so called " offer benefits to Taiwan". But the cross-Strait "Democratic Peaceful Cooperation Framework Agreement, DPCFA" will be in opposite side, means Taiwan "offer benefit" to Mainland China, through the experience of political democratization in Taiwan. It has "facilitated" the "peaceful transition" of the Chinese Communist Party to the path of democratization development.


維基百科,「民主」,2014 年3 月26 日瀏覽,<http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E6%B0%91%E4%B8%BB>。
維基百科,「直接民主」,2014 年3 月26 日瀏覽,<http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%9B%B4%E6%8E%A5%E6%B0%91%E4%B8%BB>。
維基百科,「代議民主」,2014 年3 月26 日瀏覽,<http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BB%A3%E8%AD%B0%E6%94%BF%E5%88%B6>。
