  • 期刊


Memory, expression and image: "Kuomintang reactionaries" in the print media before and after the establishment of the PRC




國民黨反動派 中共 表達 記憶 意象


An important feature of the political culture of the CCP is the flexible use of political terms and indoctrinating function that they are put to serve. Taking the term of "Kuomintang reactionaries" as an example, it was first used by the CCP in the 1920s, and it appeared in and disappeared from the CCP’s propaganda with the ups and downs of the relationship between the CCP and the KMT. After the outbreak of the Civil War, CCP’s military progress brought the slogan of "overthrowing the Kuomintang reactionaries" to different parts of the country. The specific meaning of the term "Kuomintang reactionaries," however, was different at different times. Before 1949, it mainly referred to the group in the KMT who were opposed to the CCP. After the founding of the PRC, the term was extended to refer to the entire KMT, the affairs correlated with the KMT regime, or what were regarded as unhealthy social trends.. Such use of the term fits the needs of the times, and is correlated with the collective or individual sense of security. In different contexts, concepts are deployed with different motivations and strategies. As a result, there may exist gaps between the original meaning of a term, the actual meaning with which it is used, and the image that the term conjures in the users’ brain. The gap is often correlated with people’s past understanding of the referent of the term. With the spread of the new usage of the term, people’s memory of history may also change.


Guomindang reactionary CCP Expression Memory Image
