  • 學位論文


Competencies Analyze of Business Travel Bulters

指導教授 : 張德儀


臺灣觀光業之發展,正與先進國家接軌。配合政府服務業發展政策及全球經濟趨勢,商務旅客在旅遊業市場以新起之秀展現,其市場商機更是逐年攀升。面對新市場旅遊業發展策略,期望應用創新突破過去以「供給」為導向的思維,進而轉向從「需求」觀點為導向,為臺灣旅遊業尋求出因應市場需求的新職能。 本研究為探索性研究,透過文獻探討及部分專家深度訪談再利用德爾菲法(Delphi Method)進行研究,目前「商務旅遊管家」之職稱尚未被旅遊業使用。首先以旅遊業之接待模式及相關行業探索相同屬性之指標因素,欲探討臺灣旅行業目前商務旅遊接待之現況,及未來可行之職能指標。本研究以專家訪談獲得之結果為基礎,建立初擬指標,作為德爾菲法(Delphi Method)問卷依據,結合質性與量化研究之方式。經由二回合德爾菲法問卷,收斂專家業者之意見,發展旅遊業商務接待服務之新職能指標。 研究結果顯示,全體專家對「商務旅遊管家職能」指標都具高度共識,且所有指標都具重要性。三個構面中個別指標的重要程度排序前三名如下:「知識面」,最重要之指標為「瞭解接待企業邀請來訪之目的(4.61)」,其次依序為「瞭解受邀來訪者相關背景(4.55)」、「瞭解國際禮儀(4.52)」;「技能面」最重視的是「危機處理能力(4.9)」,其次依序為「執行力(4.77)」、「整合能力(4.48)」;「態度面」最重視的是「具敬業精神(4.71)」,其次依序為「具責任感(4.68)」、「以客為尊之親和力(4.65)」、「真誠(4.65)」的態度。針對「商務旅遊管家職能」之構面,全體專家認為商務旅遊管家應該具備的職能總指標前五名為前五名為「危機處理能力(4.90)」,其次依序為「執行力(4.77)」、「具敬業精神(4.71)」、「具責任感(4.68)」、「以客為尊之親和力(4.65)」、「真誠(4.65)」,都是專家群認為非常重要的指標。受訪之專家針對構面指標都具有高度之共識,特別重視「商務旅遊管家」接待中的「態度」及「技巧」,其危機處理能力及執行力更是供需雙方最為重視的指標,且接待的敬業的精神與責任感,以客為尊與真誠之態度,亦是供給面及需求面所期待的;「知識」構面中,專家的觀點較偏重於較靈活運用的知識面,例如,瞭解接待企業邀請來訪之目、瞭解受邀來訪者相關背景、瞭解國際禮儀與文化習俗。本研究期望藉由「商務旅遊管家職能」的指標發展,在競爭的旅遊市場中,探索企業對於商務旅遊接待領域之需求,拓展商務旅遊接待之藍海市場,欲達到供需雙方的雙贏目標。


商務旅遊 管家 經紀人 職能 職能分析


The growth of Taiwan tourism business which flowed on developed countries’ footstep. The booming of travel butler business has risen up and become the growing trend of economic and appliances in service industry. Facing the strategic development of the new market about travel butler was diverted from supply into demand in term of the needs of new competence in the tourism market in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to evaluate Delphi Method which indicated Travel Butler hasn’t been developed well in the tourism industry yet. At the beginning of the research which analyzes the current tourism business relationship and promising future career plan. Moreover, there are several experts’ interviews are determined by the foundation of results. Therefore, regarding to this study takes Delphi Method as the objet to analyze the questionnaires by the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis. There are 3 aspects of indicators are found as follows: 1. The aspects of knowledge 2. The aspects of technique 3. The aspects of attitude. As the result from the aspects of travel butler who should be qualified with 5 competences which ordering by: 1. the ability of crisis management (4.90) 2. Executive ability (4.77) 3. Hardworking (4.71) 4. Responsibility (4.68) 5. Hospitality and sincere (4.65). In short, the study is to explore Travel butler which should be expanded and developed in the tourism business market. Furthermore, the research illustrates the creating new demand in a tourism market which can be generated by Blue Ocean Strategy in order to achieve win-win situation.


Business Tourism Butler Broker Competency


許金田、廖紘億、黃讚松 (2011)。如何成為一位稱職的導遊?性格與專業職能的探索。國防管理學報,32 ,(2),1-26。
行政院勞工委員會(2000)。中華民國職業分類典。臺北市 : 行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局
