  • 學位論文


Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of Vietnamese Convenience Stores

指導教授 : 吳俊儀




Background: After Vietnam joins the World Trade Market WTO (2007), Vietnam is one of the five most lucrative retail markets in the world. With the economic growth of around 6.8% in 2010, changes in the country's regulatory structure favoring foreign investors, and increasing consumer attention towards modern retail concepts, the retail sales are expected to surge at a CAGR of around 23% during 2011-2014.Modern retailing channels make up 20 percent of the domestic retail market, while the proportion keeps rising, expected to reach 40 percent by 2014,says this new research report Vietnam Retail Market Forecast to 2014.There are more than 1000 convenience stores and mini supermarkets nationwide. It’s rather new born with many obstacles but with high potential, it can become the trendy of buying for Vietnamese customers in the future. Service quality turns to be one of essential elements to increase advantage of retailers in the customer satisfaction process. This study reports on the application of SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman al et., 1985) to analyze the gap between customer’s expectations and performance perception, concerning with the service at convenience stores in Vietnam. Purpose:The purpose of using SERQUAL model is to develop an overall perception of the real service quality that is available at Vietnam convenience stores and customers’ expectation to service quality in Vietnam convenience stores. Specially, this study hope to find the best answers to the following questions: What expectations do customers have while shopping in convenience stores? Do customers’ perceptions match their expectations? What can be suggested in order to improve service quality in convenience stores? The results of this study can help the managers of convenience stores in Vietnam measure the quality of their current service in general; figure out current problems in the service performing. It also helps to come up with scientific solutions to improve the satisfactions level of convenience's customers. The questionnaires designed in this study can applied in practice to support to the customer survey system of convenience stores. The result of this research is the reference for further researches on related fields or sectors. Method:The researchers apply measurement tools to gather and record the necessary information during course of their research. There are some of these measurement tools like questionnaire, observations and interviews. Questionnaire is a collection of standardization answers that is arranged putting all the essential variables for the study and the respondents complete it in presence, in absence, directly or indirectly. Questionnaire is designed by SERQUAL model to measure service quality. The answers will be offered using an item scale that called that 5-point Likert-type scale arranged so that “1=strongly disagree” “5=strongly agree” based on Parasuraman et al. Customers will be asked to rank the smallest important dimension as 1 and the most important as 5 for influencing customer perceptions according to the service quality in Vietnam Convenience stores. Conclusion: 200 random people from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. And the survey indicated some useful results for the improvement of convenience stores in Vietnam. Demographic factors affect to perception and expectation of customers. People with low education, low income and under 20 have trend in high perception, they are group easy to satisfied with service quality in convenience stores but group of people with high income and own running business occupation have low perception, their satisfaction is the lowest group. Divorced people group has high expectation in service quality. The perception score is smaller than the expectation score; meaning customers are not satisfied with the quality of the service they received from Vietnam convenience stores but the discrepancy is not significant. Some factor have high expectation and low perception from customers such as are store layout easy to find, materials associated with the services, error-free sales transactions and record, solving the problem, the service right the first time, respond to requests, freshness. Therefore, managers in Vietnam Convenience stores need to concentrate to improve these items as soon as possible.


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