  • 學位論文


The effect of Palliative Care Medical Camp on Medical students' change of Attitude Toward Death

指導教授 : 高美英


國內醫療機構的安寧病床以每年約5%~10%的速度成長,因此,如何提升病患的安寧照護品質勢必成為未來醫療機構不可忽視的重點。國內安寧照護醫療教育內容主要包含安寧緩和醫療的介紹、十大疾病病人之舒適照護、末期症狀控制、末期病人及家屬之心理社會與靈性照護、末期病人與遺族之哀傷輔導、安寧療護倫理與法律、溝通議題與安寧療護服務(含住院、居家及共照)相關表單制度與轉介等7大主題。 本研究主要針對醫學生接受安寧緩和醫學營的課程後,對於生死態度上的改變進行研究。透過文獻回顧了解生死態度的定義,並且對於醫學生進行問卷調查以及深度訪問。研究的重點在於參加安寧緩和醫學營之後對於生死態度的轉變,問卷分析與討論。 由本研究的結果可以了解參加安寧照護醫學營雖然可能在短期內對於參與者造成價值上的衝擊,整體而言醫學營的介入除了增進了參與者對於安寧療護的瞭解外,對於改善研究對象的生死態度亦是較為正面的,而趨於正面的學習態度與保有對於生死的熱情從而影響醫學生對於生死存在的態度。


The number of palliative care beds is increasing at an annual rate of about 5~10 % in domestic medical institutions. Therefore, how to improve the patient's quality of palliative care become a concentrate can not be ignored. There are seven major themes of domestic hospice medical education, which includes palliative care presentation, series disease patient's comfort care, the final symptom control, psychosocial and spiritual care of terminally ill patients and their families, the grief counseling of terminally ill and the bereaved families, Ethics and Law of hospice, hospice services and communication issues and referral system. The major purpose of this study is foucus on the change of life and death attitude for the medical students who attend the palliative medicine camp course. The questionnaire survey and depth interviews were conducted for these medical students to collect and analysis the information. The results of this study indicated the improvement of life and death attitude for these medical students and more understanding for hospice medical care. However, the shortern impacts of value were made effects for these jounior medical students. Finally, a positive attitude of life and death for these medical students will be not only help for their further medical education and work but also increasing the life quality of these terminally ill patients.


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