  • 學位論文


An Economic Analysis on Image Business District of Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐茂炫


論文摘要   台灣經濟長時間以來隨著文化、社會、政治等因素的演變下,商業發展早已不是單打獨鬥的競爭環境,而是區域行銷時代,位商圈帶來更優質的商業形象,生活環境以及商機即是「形象商圈」的宗旨。   經濟部商業司為了促進傳統商業街區活化及商業再生,於民國八十四年起,針對商店街區陸續推動「商店街開發計畫」、「塑造形象商圈計畫」與「商業環境視覺設計計畫」,定自民國八十八年迄,以五年的時間,投入六億三千萬推動「改善商業環境五年計畫」,更在民國九十三年八月三十一日成立中華民國形象商圈暨商店街發展促進總會。   有鑑於此,本研究依據縣市稅收來推估鄉鎮稅收以及鄉鎮人口數的變化來判斷各個以鄉鎮為單位的形象商圈在政府投入改造資源後,對當地是否有實質且正面的助益。全台共有三十個以鄉鎮為單位的形象商圈,若要精準的分析出商圈的績效,最適切的方式是比較發展形象商圈前後的店加數、就業人口數以及店家每月平均營業額等相關數值。但此迅去得過程困難度過高,故文中僅以推估鄉鎮稅收及鄉鎮人口判別形象商圈的績效。   研究研所發現,經營績效在發展形象商圈後有進步者,多為本身已具備相當觀光知名度之景點,而若鄉鎮原先就缺乏此類景點者,即便政府投入了資源發展形象商圈改善期商業環境,人無法使當地經濟有效上升。而政府在推動形象商圈時,也常因為公部門與私部門之間的無法配合又或者是公部門上下階層間對推廣計畫重點與理念無法一致,形成多頭馬車,造成資源浪費,使得形象商圈計畫事倍功半。


There are factors in long term which effect Taiwan in developing economic has been followed by cultural, society, policy and so on. Commercial developing is not the only way in competition; however, in the area marketing, it is going to be in order to provide a better style of commercial, both of living environment and chances is the principle of image business district. From 90’s, government has been focus on improving 「Development Plan of Shopping Street」、「The Plan of Forming Image Business District」and 「Plan of Business Environment Vision Design」in order to raise traditional street and rebirth its economy, and from 1999, government have been supported 6.3 billion in「The Plan of Improving Business Environment for five years」 but established「The Association of Image Business District of R.O.C.」in 31th Aug 2004. As a result, the research is considered that tax of city form estimating in tax of village and the change of demographics for per village in its resources, and making sure the resources are beneficial or not for local area. On one hand, there are 30 image business districts in Taiwan, if using the specific analyzing performance of area, it may use compared store volume、employed population and average business volume per month and so on. On the other hand, it may be hardly to compare with all of them so this research only estimates performance of tax and population of village to compare them. In this research, it seems to be obvious to see that some improving counties in developing market area, they already own famous places in general. On contrast, if counties did not have this kind of priority or lack of resources, even government attempt to plunge as much resources as they can in order to raise counties’ competitiveness, therefore, people still can not raise economy effectively. Also, when government does this project, it may not obtain its aim of development because there are a considerable problems to exist in this plan, for example, cooperation between public and private department have not coincidence in improving development, as a result, these problems becomes a series of wasting of resources; however, this plan still be lamed.


阮文照(2003),《商店街區再發展之問題研究-以經濟部商業司推動之「形象商圈」為例》,私立南華大學環境與藝術研究所碩士論文 。
