  • 學位論文


The Context of China-ASEAN Economic Integration and Its Implications for East Asian Regional Development

指導教授 : 陳佩修


東亞是過去二十餘年經濟發展最快的地區,因此加速實現東亞經濟一體化,雖然中國企圖整合東亞區域內的經濟,並在政治上維持低調,然東亞仍以美國所架構的東亞國際秩序為主;不過中國在經濟事務上積極的表現,展現其爭取在東亞的政經主導地位。 長遠來看,中國要達成東亞區域整合的目標,必須完成三項艱鉅工作,首先,要化解區域內政治岐見,拉近各國經濟發展,以奠定整合的基礎;次之,係透過創造性的方案,解決政治與歷史紛爭,以促進東亞區域共同體的實現;其三,採取和平手段處理兩岸爭端,唯有在穩定的區域發展中,才能形成一個堅實的華人經濟圈,向外整合東亞經濟體的版圖。


In the past 20 years, the East Asia has become the quickest region of economic development. Consequently, the accomplishment of economic integration in the East Asia has been accelerated. Although the Mainland China attempted to integrate the economic issues in the area of East Asia and kept a low profile on political issues, the East Asia still takes the order structured by US as the principal thing. However, Mainland China shows its positive altitude for economic affairs and eager to be in a leading position in politics and economy. In the long term, Mainland China has to accomplish three arduous tasks to achieve the goal of region integration in the East Asia. First, it is the foundation of integration that reconciles the political disputes and decreases the gap of economic strength among region of the East Asia; second, to solve political and historical disputes by creative schemes and then promotes accomplishment of community in East Asia; third, to deal with the cross-strait controversies by means of peace.


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