  • 學位論文


The other end lost and balanced-A Study on the Loss and Grief Process of the pet death.

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究旨在探討飼主失去寵物後所經歷的悲傷失落經驗,瞭解飼主與寵物的生活互動、寵物離世原因與飼主本身的想法與感受,包括在飼養歷程中對寵物的角色定位、得知寵物離世當下的反應與寵物死後如何在生活中達到新的平衡。 本研究針對三位有過寵物離世經驗之飼主,就其寵物離世後所歷經的歷程來進行半結構式訪談,研究結果顯示,受訪者必定會經歷負面情緒,但在這些情緒當中,受訪者的正向力量也隨之被鼓舞起來。三位受訪者的經歷雖有所差異,但在歷程中,並不會將自己埋入痛苦的深淵,而是會嘗試找尋昇華的方向,不斷地與失落共處,尋找方向與正向能量提昇的過程。透過資料分析,結果整理與歸納如下: 一、 受訪者與寵物相處後所產生的寵物角色定位,包括:寵物是親近的家人、寵物是生命教育的老師以及寵物是家庭動力的改變者。 二、 受訪者在寵物過世當下的想法、感受及行為反應,包括:病程中的痛苦與震驚、難以面對離去的事實。 三、 受訪者如何在寵物離世後在生活中達到新的平衡,包括:接納多種負向情緒、創造思念寵物的方式與以正向的路徑來渡過悲傷。 最後研究者針對上述研究結果加以討論,並根據此結果針對心理諮商專業工作與未來研究方向提出相關建議,提供心理專業工作者與未來相關研究亦可作為參考依據。


寵物 悲傷失落歷程


The purpose of this study is to explore the pet owners who experienced the grief and loss experience, understand the interaction of pet owners and pet, factor of pet death and pet owners with their own ideas and feelings, including positioning the role of the pet in the breeding history, that pet reaction with pet death moment is how to reach a new equilibrium in life. This study for three pet death experience of pet owners, semi-structured interviews after the death of their pet after the course, the results show that participants would experienced negative emotions, but these emotions, which forward force of the participants also will be encouraged. The experience of participants, although the process has some differences, they won’t buried themselves of suffering and would tried to find direction of sublimation. Coexistence with lost, looking for direction and positive energy to enhance process. Through data analysis, results collation and are summarized as follows: (1) Participants get along with the pet after pet roles, including: pet close family, pets life education teacher and pet family dynamics change. (2) Participants in the pet died the moment thoughts, feelings and behavioral responses, including: the duration of pain and shock, it is difficult to face the fact of leaving. (3) Participants in the death of the pet in life reaches a new equilibrium, including: the acceptance of a variety of negative emotions, to created a way to miss their pet and a positive path to tide over the grief. Finally, the researchers for the results of the study that make relevant recommendations for psychological counseling professional work and future research directions , provide psychological professionals can also be used as a reference for future research.


Pet Greif and loss process.


一、 中文部份
王佳煌、潘中道、郭俊賢、黃瑋瑩、邱怡薇(譯)(2002)。W.Lawrence Neuman著。當代社會研究法(Social Research Methods)。台北:學富。


