  • 學位論文


The Process of Single Mothers Employment--The Dual-system Theory Analysis

指導教授 : 許雅惠


女性單親就業是現代福利論述必然的發展趨勢。本研究便以雙系統理論為基礎,探究經濟弱勢女性單親的就業歷程,希望藉由剖析父權和資本主義對女性單親的宰制與剝削,瞭解經濟弱勢女性單親進入與退出就業市場的機制。本研究目的有三:第一,揭露經濟弱勢女性單親照顧勞務的內涵與負荷,勞動參與型態,以及兩者交互影響對經濟能力所產生的效果;第二,瞭解經濟弱勢女性單親在承擔照顧與就業雙重勞務時的困境與因應策略,以及在因應困境的過程中所應用和發展的社會資本;第三,藉由認識現階段福利供給與現實間的差距,提出相對應的政策建議。 本研究採用詮釋現象學,對12位經濟弱勢女性單親進行深度訪談,收集其進入與退出就業市場的過程。研究結果發現,經濟弱勢女性單親婚前到婚後,乃至婚姻結束,父權社會的家庭價值和母職實踐,讓她們必須多半以非典型就業型態進入勞動市場,不僅無法增加經濟資本脫離貧窮,人力資本更受到侷限,導致未來難以翻身。而後資本主義的發展,則將她們鎖在次級勞動市場,難以翻身。然而,國家制訂的政策和方案卻無法提供即刻的協助,在家庭生計、子女權益和個人需求之間左右為難的經濟弱勢女性單親,便透過物質交換的互惠行動,或在再生產活動上,證明自己符合社會對單親母職的要求,發展出她們特有的連結式社會資本,以支撐她們和未成年子女的家庭生活。本研究針對上述研究發現,在福利政策與方面面,以及社會工作實務面提供相關的建議。


According to modern welfare discourse, it is inevitable for single mothers to get employed. Based on dual-system theory, the study aims to explore the mechanism of the process of single mothers employment by analysing the domination and exploitation of patriarchy and capitalism. Three goals are included in the study: to disclose the labour participation and the content and burden of family care-giving; to find out the dilemma, coping strategies and social capital of single mothers when they shoulder double burden; to offer suggestions for policy and social work practice. Hermeneutic phenomenology is adopted. Twelve single mothers were invited in an in-depth interview. Results of the study showed that that the requests of family value and mothering from patriarchy impel single mothers to participate in atypical employment. Single mothers cannot make ends meet and increase human capital. Additionally, the development of late capitalism limits single mothers in the secondary labour market, but welfare services provide no immediate assistance. In order to survive, single mothers utilise multiple strategies. Their social capital is limited, but they make good use of reciprocity among their network. In addition, they prove themselves as good mothers to obtain support from the network. Based on the findings, suggestions are provided.


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