  • 學位論文


Ni Wen-Ya and the Developing of Democracy in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 卓遵宏


本文旨在探討倪文亞在臺灣民主化過程的努力與奉獻,先由倪氏一生人格特質的養成與醞釀形塑,及赴美留學的啟沃為何?其次為倪文亞從政道路的歷程,包括對兩蔣領導風格的適應。再則探討對臺灣民主化貢獻,與在立院擔任委員、副院長、院長的付出與努力,分析其背後的用心與思維。筆者主要透過倪文亞的日記,以及對相關當事者的口述訪問,搭配相關文獻史料佐證,重建倪文亞對臺灣民主化歷程的影響。由於過去學者探討較偏重由反對派人士的角度,來詮釋臺灣政治轉型的歷程。而相關其他政治學、法律學的相關研究方向,則是偏重理論的建構、法律條文的解讀。本文則試圖從執政黨內倪文亞和相關黨內、外人士的言行,建構其對臺灣的民主化的貢獻,期望能對學界關於臺灣民主化之研究,增添些微的貢獻。 本文基於上述思考脈絡,進行章節編排。除了前言與結論外,本文共分伍章。第壹章主要針對民主思維的探源,再敘述其家世背景與傳承、生平事蹟與教育、赴美留學的體認與願景等,與他往後從政有關部分。第貳章說明倪文亞的民主理念與因應現實挑戰的調和,先後由持續獻身為國奮鬥、其中尚夾雜因特殊情境,外患內憂促其暫時放下對民主政治理想的追求,也對兩蔣領導的思維與相對因應等,經由此天不從人願而苦心積慮的言行表現,來剖析倪文亞的理念與行儀。第參章則在著重如何奠定社會民主化的基石,來談地方選務的輔選、推進教育提升民主素養、十大建設的支持與推動。第肆章分析其推動國會民主制度,包含增補選立委的新血注入、立法院制度的運作與增進、公平尊重的對全體立委。第伍章則是探討提升臺灣民主風範,針對黨外挑戰下的議政風骨、推動民主改革延續本土精神、辭去院長的思維與用意。


The thesis aims to expore the efforts and dedication of Ni Wen-Ya to Taiwan's democratization, with special reference to his service as the President of Legislation. It analyzes Ni Wen-Ya life, personality traits, and the inspiration he gained in the United States. More specifically, it studied Ni Wen-Ya’view about Chiang Kai-shek's and Chiang Jingguo’s leadership throughout his political career. The writer carefully studied related literature, serched deeply into Ni Wen-Ya’s diary, adopted the reports given by relevant people concerning Ni Wen-Ya,and reconstructed his contritution Taiwan's democratization. Most scholars are inclined to explore Taiwan's political transition from the point of political and jurisdical theories, and with focus on the construction of theories.. This paper, instead, tries to understand Ni’ contribution by looking into his life and the reports of his colleagues within his party﹐ hoping to understand Ni’s contribution from a new angle. This paper is organized as follows: In addition to the preface and conclusion, it is divided into five chapters. Chapter One describes his family background and heritage his education and vision in the U.S., so as to derive a clear understanding of his democratic thinking.. Chapter Two describes how Ni Wen-Ya reconciled between political ideals and practical challenges, how he continued to struggle for the country, how he came to appreciate the two Chiang’s conceptions, and how he played his role in the legislative ministry during the difficult time, so as to understand his thinkings and doings..Chapter Three focuses on how he established the foundation of social democracy, how he participated in the campaign of Taiwan local elections, how he promoted democracy and improved the quality of education, and how he supported the Ten Major Infrastructure. Chapter Four analyzes his role in promoting parliamentary democracy, in the recrewing of new members in the legislationn, and in the revising of the operational system in the Legislative Yuan, and above all, his respect for his fellow legislators.Chapter Five explores how he set up a new model for Taiwan's democracy and government, despite opposition parties’ challenges, and how he managed to develop Taiwan’s native spirit in the new democracy. It also discusses how he decided to resign from public services.


Ni Wen-Ya Legislature democratic politics


1. 《立法院公報》,民國62年、65年。
2. 軍事委員會侍從室檔案,編號222倪文亞資料「中央訓練團黨政訓練班學生自傳」。
3. 胡景韓,〈倪文亞傳〉手寫本。
