  • 學位論文


A Research on the Malaysian Chinese Students Cultural Identity and its Impact to their Acculturation Strategy in Malaysia and their Re-sinification in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 蕭富聰


本研究旨在於探討馬來西亞華裔留學生的文化認同對其在馬涵化策略和來台再華化策略之影響。本研究採問卷調查法,以目前在台灣唸書的馬來西亞籍華裔留學生作為研究對象,實得有效樣本324人。調查工具為「馬來西亞華裔留學生社會與文化認同調查問卷」,包括基本資料、馬來社會與文化認同、馬華社會與文化認同與台灣社會與文化認同等四個部份。依調查所得資料,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關和交叉表等方法,進行各項考驗分析。本研究結果發現如下: 一、具有國民中學、馬來西亞國立大學求學背景的馬來文化認同較高。 二、研究生的台灣文化認同比大學生和博士生高。 三、來台灣五年以上的台灣文化認同較高。 四、馬來、馬華、台灣文化認同呈中度正相關。 五、在馬國和在台灣,多數選擇整合型。 六、自覺被馬來、台灣文化接納程度高,其馬來、馬華、台灣文化認同也較高。 七、自覺被馬來文化接納程度低的馬國留學生會選擇邊緣型和隔離型。 八、自覺被台灣文化接納程度低的馬國留學生會選擇邊緣型。 九、在馬來西亞選擇隔離型的較多,而在台灣選擇整合型的較多。 十、在馬選擇高度認同馬華文化的涵化策略,來台亦會選擇高度認同馬華文化的再華化策略。 十一、在馬選擇低度認同馬華文化的涵化策略,來台亦會選擇低度認同馬華文化的再華化策略。


This is a study regarding on the Cultural Identity of the Malaysian Chinese(MC) Students and its impact to the their Acculturation Strategy in Malaysia and their Re-sinification in Taiwan. The research sample included 324 Malaysian Chinese Students who studying in Taiwan and completed the Malaysian Chinese Students Social and Cultural Identity Scale, which contains 4 parts of subscales: basic information, Malay Social and Cultural Identity, Malaysian Chinese Social and Cultural Identity, Taiwan Social and Cultural Identity. The data were analyzed by description statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation and cross-table. The results of this study were listed below: 1. The MC students’ academic background with National Secondary School and National University possess higher Malay cultural identity. 2. Graduate students possess higher Taiwan cultural identity than university students and PhD students. 3. The MC students who stayed at Taiwan more than 5 years possess higher Taiwan cultural identity. 4. The Malay, Malaysian Chinese, and Taiwan cultural identity showed a moderate positive correlation. 5. Most of the selected strategy in Malaysia and Taiwan is integration strategy. 6. The MC students who conscious highly accepted by the Malay and the Taiwan culture possess higher Malay, Malaysian Chinese and Taiwan cultural identity. 7. The MC students who conscious low accepted by the Malay culture, the marginalization and separation strategy was selected in Malaysia. 8. The MC students who conscious low accepted by the Taiwan culture, the marginalization strategy was selected in Taiwan. 9. More MC students selected separation strategy in Malaysia and more MC students selected integration strategy in Taiwan. 10. If in Malaysia, the strategy with higher Malaysian Chinese cultural identity was selected. Then in Taiwan, the strategy with higher Malaysian Chinese cultural identity was selected too. 11. If in Malaysia, the strategy with lower Malaysian Chinese cultural identity was selected. Then in Taiwan, the strategy with lower Malaysian Chinese cultural identity was selected too.




