  • 學位論文


Reconstrction: The Early Development of "Central Daily News" in Taiwan(1949-1953)

指導教授 : 呂芳上


本文主要在討論《中央日報》自1949年搬遷至臺灣後,迅速地在1954年便超越《臺灣新生報》,成為1950年代臺灣第一大報的過程。 大陸時期的《中央日報》雖為中國國民黨「中央直轄黨報」,獲得國民黨在黨、政資源上的重大扶助,卻因黨內長期派系鬥爭、未明確規畫各黨報間的權責與發展方向、黨報色彩過於濃厚以及宣傳言論失控等問題,使得報務無法拓展,宣傳效力不彰。《中央日報》在搬遷至臺灣後,由於臺灣的特殊政治環境,使得《中央日報》在短期間內卸下舊包袱,與過去相較宛如浴火重生。 丟棄了舊時包袱的《中央日報》,雖規模較南京時期為小,然而相對於臺灣的報業環境,在人力、物力、財力上卻具有絕對的優勢。因此,《中央日報》在遷臺之初就擁有傲視全臺報業的優越條件。此外,黨、政機關透過制定「限登」、「限紙」、「限張」、「限證」為主的新聞管制政策,掌控新聞媒體,壓抑民營各報的發展空間,為黨、公營報紙營造有利環境,從而使黨、公營報紙取得宣傳主導權。除新聞管制措施外,國民黨又另外在《中央日報》的廣告、財務以及銷售通道上予以特別扶助。於是,褪去舊有包袱,挾帶強大優勢遷臺的《中央日報》,在新聞管制政策與黨、政的特別扶掖下,逐漸發展成1950年代臺灣第一大報。 《中央日報》在臺灣再起爐灶,國民黨在確實掌握了此宣傳喉舌後,也才有辦法在政府風雨飄搖之際,藉由「改造」與「自由中國」的宣傳與建構來突圍脫困,並進一步求取外援。《中央日報》在臺灣的重新出發,也見證了國民黨由大陸播遷來臺,痛定思痛、再起爐灶的過程。


中央日報 國民黨 黨報 宣傳 臺灣報業


This article discussed the process that "Central Daily News", which moved to Taiwan in 1949, exceeded the "Taiwan Shin Sheng Daily News" in 1954 and became the largest newspaper in Taiwan in 1950s. During the continental period, even with KMT's assistances, the "Central Daily News" had a poor business development and ineffective propaganda. This was due to its long-term factional struggle within the party and various problems. After "Central Daily News" moved to Taiwan, due to the special political environment in Taiwan, the "Central Daily News" removed the burdens of the past in short term. In Taiwan, "Central Daily News" with respect to Taiwan's newspapers, had absolute advantages in the human, material, and financial resources. KMT’s policies of "limited registration", "limited paper", "limited sheets" and "limited permit" created a favorable environment for Public and Party newspapers so that the "Central Daily News" could become propaganda leader. In addition to the news control measures, KMT also gave special assistance on advertisements, finance, and sales channels to "Central Daily News" so that "Central Daily News" became Taiwan's largest newspaper in the 1950s. After KMT grasped this propaganda mouthpiece, it used the propagandas of "Transformation" and "Free China" to overcome difficulties and obtain foreign aid. The re-starting of "Central Daily News" in Taiwan should also be a witness of KMT 's resurgence in Taiwan.


1. 〈江浙滬政情(二)〉,《蔣中正總統文物》,國史館藏典藏號:002-080101-00044-023,入藏登入號:002000000978A。
2. 〈江浙滬政情(二)〉,《蔣中正總統文物》,國史館藏典藏號:002-080101-00044-024,入藏登入號:002000000978A。
3. 〈陳誠手稿(三)〉,《陳誠副總統文物》,國史館藏典藏號:008-010203-00003-011,入藏登入號:008000001896A。
