  • 學位論文


Correlation between Social Capital and Turnover Intention of Social Workers – A Case of Non-Profit Organizations in Taichung City.

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究旨在瞭解非營利組織社會工作者之社會資本與離職意向之現況,探討其關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並依研究結果提出建議。 首先進行文獻探討,作為架構研究的理論基礎;接著問卷調查185位社會工作者(共發出917份問卷,回收239份,扣除54份填答不完整之問卷),以分析現況、驗證理論;最後,依研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下: 一、非營利組織之社會資本與離職意向的現況: (一)個人社會資本包括網絡、規範、信任三向度;其整體、分向度得分均為高,其中以網絡得分最高。 (二)組織社會資本部分包括網絡、規範、信任三向度;其整體、分向度得落於高及中高之間,其中以網絡得分最高。 (三)離職意向包括態度及行動二向度;其整體、分向度得分均為中低,其中以行動得分最高。 二、不同背景變項的社會工作者在社會資本與離職意向之差異情形: (一)不同背景變項的社會工作者在社會資本的得分方面:研究發現在年齡、社會工作年資、組織規模有顯著差異,但在性別、宗教、教育程度、現職年資、社工師執照、婚姻狀況、主責領域及薪資上沒有顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項的社會工作者在離職意向的得分方面:研究發現在教育程度、現職年資有顯著差異,但其餘變項沒有顯著差異。 三、社會工作者社會資本與離職意向之相關情形:整體社會工作者社會資本與離職意向間呈顯著高度負相關。 四、社會工作者社會資本與離職意向的預測情形:社會工作者的組織社會資本-個人網絡信任對離職意向有顯著的預測力。 最後,本研究根據研究的發現,提出相關建議,俾供非營利組織、社會工作者及後續研究參考。


This present study investigated the Correlation between social capital, and turnover intention of Social Workers - a case of non-profit organizations in Taichung city. It began with the literature review by relating previous analyses of these concepts, which served as the analytical framework for the present study. Descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation, ANOVA, multiple regression were used for data analysis, which yields the following results: A. In the aspect of social workers’individual social capital: 1. The social workers’individual social capital includes three parts: (1) network, (2) norms, (3)trust. The overall score and the score of individual dimensions were all above average, with the dimension “network” scoring the highest. 2. The social workers’organizational social capital includes three parts: (1) network, (2) norms, (3)trust. The overall score and the score of organizational dimensions were all above average, with the dimension “network” scoring the highest. 3. The social workers’turnover intention includes two parts: (1) attitude, (2) action. The overall score and the score of individual dimensions were all below average, with the dimension “action” scoring the highest. B. The correlation between social capital and turnover intention of social workers: 1. There was positive correlation and regression between social capital and turnover intention. 2. The social workers’ organizational social capital and turnover intention Did reduce social worker turnover intention.


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