  • 學位論文


The Impact of Time Pressure, Store Atmosphere and Perception Difference on the Customer's Deferral Choice Behavior.

指導教授 : 廖本哲


中文摘要 由於影響消費者購買行為的因素眾多,外在的總體經濟,如就業情況、經濟成長率或是國際原物料的價格等,皆會影響消費者購買意願。企業在新產品研發與推出速度上競爭激烈,導致產品生命週期變短。消費者面對不斷推陳出新的產品和各式各樣的促銷方案,有時可能反而無法在短時間內做成購買策略,因而可能引發策略性等待的行為,增加延遲購買之可能性和頻率。上述總體與個體環境的影響之外,尚有其他影響消費者延遲購買的因素。例如消費者的產品知識、 購買涉入或是消費者本身的特質,亦可能會影響消費者的購買行為。因此,本篇論文的研究目的在於試圖去找出影響消費者延遲購買的因素為何,並探討這些因素對於消費者延遲購買的影響的方向和程度,最終期許能找出消費者在面對變數的影響下,能減少產生延遲購買行為的機率之情境,並給予企業策略性建議以增進企業在未來行銷計畫擬定的參考。 本研究以時間壓力、商店氣氛和知覺差異做為自變數,探討這三個變數對消費者延遲購買的影響,並且更進一步分析在有時間壓力的情況下,是否可以利用商店氣氛和知覺差異減少消費者產生延遲購買的發生。而本研究是採用實驗設計的方式,為一 的實驗設計,即透過商店氣氛好壞、時間壓力高低和知覺差異大小,模擬成八個情境,每個情境在利用兩種不同產品類別的產品作為其產品標的物,分析在此模擬情境下消費者的購買意願。 因此,藉由以上研究分析得知可提供給企業一個重要的意含,即消費者延遲購買的重要性。本研究之貢獻在於可以透過商店氣氛和知覺差異減少消費者因為面臨時間壓力而產生延遲購買的機會,並且產品類別的不同會影響消費者延遲購買行為。而後續的研究可以將重點放在可提供一個真實的環境來操弄時間壓力、商店氣氛和知覺差異,或是將目標樣本擴大至非學生族群、探討其他可能影響消費者延遲購買的變數。


Abstract There are many factors influence the consumer buying behavior, such as employment, economy growth rate or international raw materials prices, may affect consumer purchase intentions. Enterprises have been facing fierce competition in the new product development and products introduction stage, resulting in shorter product life cycle, speed stressed competition will become more important. The consumers facing more product assortments and a variety of marketing programs are often unable to make the purchase decisions, immediately which may trigger a strategic wait and increase the possibility of deferring choice. Beside the individuals and the overall environmental impacts, there are other factors which influence consumers’ deferral choice. For example, the consumer products knowledge, involvement of consumers and the character of consumer may also affect consumer behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this study is trying to identify the factors that influence consumers’ deferral choice, to explore what kind of results are influenced by the factors, eventually, we wish it helps to find the situation that can reduce the probability of consumers’ deferral choice when consumers face the influence factors, and to give the suggestions to the enterprises about the future marketing practices. This study explores how these three variables: time pressure, store atmosphere and perceived difference, as the framework, influence the consumers’ deferral choice and further analysis is when consumer under the pressure of time, shops can use the store atmosphere and perceived differences to reduce the consumers’ deferral choice. This study uses the experimental design in the form of a 2 × 2 × 2 experimental design, such as the store atmosphere, time pressure and consumer perceived differences among different alternatives, simulation into eight scenes, and each situation uses two different kinds of products, finally analyze the consumers’ purchase intentions under this simulated situations. Thus, through this research, it can give an important issue about consumers’ deferral choice to the enterprise. This study contributes to use the store atmosphere and differences in perception to reduce the consumers’ deferral choice when they are under time pressure. And the product category may influence consumers’ deferral choice. The follow-up studies will focus on providing a real environment for manipulating time pressure, store atmosphere and the perceived differences, or expand objectives samples to the non-student groups to explore other variables which may influence consumers’ deferral choice.


一、 中文文獻


