  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumer Behavior of Parity Chain Coffee

指導教授 : 王如鈺


80年代後國民所得提高、注重休閒的消費習慣,外食族的增加…等種種新的趨勢成為了平價咖啡成長的動力;90年後,在85度C和City Café相繼掀起平價咖啡的旋風後,更使得現煮咖啡成為能在城市裡隨手取得的飲品,即使飲用現煮咖啡的人越來越多,但不同的使用習慣(外帶、內用)及消費者個人平常對咖啡的不同的飲用程度,這些來自於消費者本身對咖啡習慣的差異性,皆可能是造成消費者在商店選擇上有不同的準則,及對平價咖啡的滿意程度可能形成差異的原因所在。 過去已有許多研究是針對連鎖咖啡店的商店印象做衡量,但很少有研究是針對不同的平價咖啡商店別來做商店印象的研究,有鑑於此本研究以平價咖啡集中度最高的大台北地區為抽樣地區,欲剖析對咖啡不同習慣的族群在大台北地區的平價咖啡連鎖商店的商店印象之重要屬性與滿意度為何,再進而探討商店印象與忠誠度之間的關係,企圖為大台北咖啡族群的消費行為勾勒出一幅清楚圖像。 本研究結果指出,消費平價咖啡的人口以21~30歲、學生、未婚,大專以上學歷的群族為多,且City Café和85度C分別為消費者最常惠顧的平價咖啡商店別,然而這些消費者以輕度飲用者和重視外帶居多。 研究結果顯示,外帶的消費者重視「便利性」,兩者皆有(外帶、內用參半)的消費者重視「多元服務」,年輕的族群比中年族群更重視「便利性」,且重視外帶的族群能比其它相對不重視外帶的群族在「便利性」上獲得更高的滿意度。輕度飲用者較重度飲用者更重視「實體因素」,但在商店印象的屬性滿意度則無差異。 進一步本研究確認,商店印象和忠誠度呈正向關係,商店印象分別可以對再購推薦與交叉購買、價格容忍形成部份支持,其中提高「商店可信賴」屬性和「實體因素」、「便利性」、「商品選擇」,可以提升再購推薦;提高「多元服務」與「產品價格與人員」、「便利性」可以提升交叉購買;增加「多元服務」、「產品價格與人員」可以提升價格容忍。 根據上述結果,本研究建議當前經營管理者如欲拓展新的咖啡族群或定位在輕度飲用者,理應重視「實體因素」的改善;而研發新口味使商品選擇多樣化可以提升顧客的再購意願與推薦給其他消費者。


People liked Leisure-oriented consumption more, fast-food become popularity. Espresso types of Café consumption growth around the major cities are boomed by the chain stores 85°C and City Café. Different Espresso Café consumption habits might drive consumers’ store choice, that also possible causes different thought of store image and satisfaction. There have been many studies at the chain coffee store image in the pass, but have few studies at parity chain coffee stores. We survey the customers of parity chain stores in Taipei Metropolitan and try to find out segmentations of consumers that emphasized different perspectives of store image, and also analyzing the relationship between customer loyalty so that we could understand the consumer behavior more of parity chain coffee stores. In this research, we find that most of parity chain coffee stores’ consumers profile are around 21 to 30 years old, students, single, college-educated. The most popular parity chain coffees were 85°C and City Café. The consumers were most mild coffee drinkers and usually get service in taking away. The taking-away more type of consumers was more emphasizing on convenience and the taking-away and dine in half each type of consumers was more emphasizing on diversified service. The young consumers emphasize convenience more than older group. The group of take-away has the high satisfaction in convenience; the mild drinkers pay more attention on the physical environment of store than heavy drinkers. Different degrees of coffee drinking show no difference to store satisfaction. In conclusion, the relationship between store image and customer loyalty is also confirmed in parity chain coffee consumption.Several studies report direct linkages between store image and intensity of customer loyalty that consumers have will enhance the repurchase, recommendation, referral and tolerance of price. Through this survey, we suggest the parity chain coffee store to improve the physical environment in order to attract more mild coffee drinkers, and also making more effort to coffee taste innovation can enhance customer loyalty.


Consumer Behavior Store Image Chain Coffee


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