  • 學位論文


The Elementary School Teachers’ Belief of Integrating Calculator into Mathematic Instruction

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究以問卷調查法探討國小教師對計算機應用於數學教學上的信念。研究母群為桃園、新竹、苗栗地區國小現職教師,抽樣取得可用樣本數379份。研究工具為「計算機應用於數學教學之國小教師信念問卷」,其中的「教師信念」分量表主要改編自Brown等人(2007)所設計的問卷,將教師對計算機應用於數學教學上的信念分為促進信念、知能依賴、技能依賴及教師知能、教師實踐五個因素。經統計分析後,得研究結論如下: 一、 桃、竹、苗地區國小教師贊成計算機應用於數學教學與否的態度意向人數相當,且整體而言對於計算機應用於數學課堂呈現執中與部份不贊同的信念。 二、 桃、竹、苗地區曾經參加過相關研習或訓練活動的國小教師,對計算機應用於數學教學的態度意向傾向贊同,未曾參加過相關研習或訓練活動的國小教師傾向反對。 三、 桃、竹、苗地區的男性國小教師,明顯較女性的教師自我評估有足夠的知能可以適當地應用計算機於數學教學。 四、 曾參加過計算機應用於數學教學相關研習的國小教師在下列幾個面向和沒有參加過的教師有所不同: 1.曾參加過計算機應用於數學教學相關研習的國小教師,較沒有參加過的教師偏向贊同計算機可以促進數學學習效果。 2.參加過計算機應用於數學教學相關研習的國小教師較沒有參加過的教師,傾向評估自我有足夠的知能可以適當地應用計算機於數學課堂教學。 3.參加過計算機應用於數學教學相關研習的國小教師較沒有參加過的教師,傾向同意計算機適合應用於國小數學課堂中。 最後依據研究結論,建議教育主管單位與學校、現職國小教師增加舉辦和參與計算器融入數學教學的相關研習及訓練活動,以及提供未來研究者可進一步探討議題的其他變項,做為往後在計算機融入數學教學的議題推動及落實的參考。


This study applied a questionnaire survey to investigate elementary school teachers’ beliefs regarding using calculators in math teaching. The research population comprised current elementary school teachers in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli. Overall, we obtained 379 valid samples. A questionnaire named elementary school teachers’ beliefs regarding calculators integration in math teaching was used as the research tool. The teacher beliefs subscale used in the questionnaire was adapted from the scale designed by Brown et al. (2007), which measured 5 factors of teacher beliefs in applying calculators for mathematic instruction, namely, catalyst beliefs, teacher knowledge , knowledge crutch beliefs, skill crutch beliefs, and teacher practices. The results obtained from statistical analysis were as follows. 1. The numbers of elementary school teachers in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli who approved and opposed the idea of using calculators in math teaching were similar. In general, the teacher beliefs were neutral or somewhat negative regarding this topic. 2. Elementary school teachers in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli who had participated in relevant workshops or training activities were inclined to approve applying calculators in math teaching. By contrast, those who had not participated in related events were inclined to object to calculator use. 3. Compared to female elementary school teachers, male elementary school teachers in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli demonstrated a significantly higher tendency to assess themselves as having sufficient knowledge to integrate using calculators in math lessons. 4. Elementary school teachers who had participated in workshops related to the integration of calculators in math teaching demonstrated differences compared with other teachers in the following aspects. (1) Elementary school teachers who had participated in workshops related to the integration of calculators in math teaching demonstrated significantly stronger agreement that using calculators promoted math leaning compared with other teachers. (2) Elementary school teachers who had participated in workshops related to the integration of calculators in math teaching evaluated themselves as having sufficient knowledge to integrate calculators in math lessons compared with other teachers. (3) Elementary school teachers who had participated in workshops related to the integration of calculators in math teaching were inclined to approve using calculators in elementary school math lessons. Finally, based on these results, this study recommends that educational competent authorities, schools, and current elementary school teachers organize and attend increased workshops and training activities regarding the adoption of calculators in math lessons. Prospective researchers can further investigate other variables regarding this topic to create a reference for future discussions and implementation of calculator integration in math teaching.


蘇素慧、 詹勳國(2005)。 實施九年一貫課程後國小教師數學教學信念與行為之研究。師大學報,50(1),27-51。
Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT) (1996). Statement on the use of calculators and computers for mathematics in Australian schools. Adelaide, SA: AAMT.
