  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Lateral Behavior for Driven Piles

指導教授 : 陳逸駿


本研究蒐集國內外大量之側向樁載重試驗資料,評估打擊樁之側向載重詮釋法及分析法。首先依照不同類型之打擊樁分為圓形預鑄混凝土打擊樁、方形預鑄混凝土打擊樁及鋼管打擊樁三大類型,再依沿樁身之土層狀況分為排水土層及不排水土層兩大羣分別評估。 在側向詮釋法方面,評估各類理論基礎之代表性詮釋法,經由統計分析,建立各詮釋法的互關係及可靠度。不同類型之打擊樁經詮釋結果之統計顯示,Hyperbolic法為最高之詮釋值。圓形預鑄混凝土打擊樁於排水土層及不排水土層之Lateral or moment limit法分別為0.71QH及0.47QH;而Slack and Walker法在排水土層及不排水土層比值約為0.41-0.53QH。與場鑄樁比較,排水土層之方形預鑄混凝土打擊樁載重-位移曲線相較於其他種類之基樁,在相同的載重下會產生較小之位移量。顯示出方形樁為平行四面,樁周圍所承受之土壤側向力較大於圓形樁。但在不排水土層剛性之場鑄樁載重-位移曲線相較於其他種類之基樁,在相同的載重之情況下會產生較小之位移量,則顯示較易迅速發揮達到極限載重的現象。 在承載力之預測分析方面,本研究運用LPILE程式及張氏簡易分析法模擬各現地之側向承載力。從統計分析結果,整體而言三軸伸張試驗之p-y curve (TE)分析結果較大於三軸壓縮試驗p-y curve (TC,UC) 分析結果,而p-y curve (TE)分析結果與實測值較一致。Y-L Chang分析法與實測值差異較大,僅在排水土層20 mm及不排水土層10 mm左右之位移量,其誤差值較為低。 本研究最後針對不同類型之打擊樁側向載重詮釋法及p-y curve與Y-L Chang預測側向承載力提出工程設計上之建議,並輔以適當的統計資料以為使用者顯示其可靠度做為參考。


This study is focused on the evaluation of behavior for driven piles under lateral loading. Tests from Taiwan and foreign countries are utilized to assess the lateral interpretation criteria and capacity prediction of the driven piles. The data are subdivided into drained and undrained loading soil conditions as well as three types of driven piles: round and square sections precast concrete piles and steel pipe piles. For interpreted capacity, various theoretical bases of interpretation criteria were used for the assessment. Based on the evaluation of different interpretation criteria, statistical results indicate that the hyperbolic method presents the highest value. For round precast concrete piles under drained and undrained soils, the lateral or moment limit method is 0.71QH and 0.47QH, respectively, while the Slack and Walker method is in the range of 0.41QH-0.53QH. Comparing the drilled shafts and driven piles, the load-displacement of precast concrete square piles in drained soils under the same loading produces a smaller amount of displacement. These results show that the pile lateral force in square piles is larger than in circular piles. In addition, the load-displacement curves of rigid shafts show faster capacity mobilization than other driven piles in undrained soils. The LPILE program (p-y curve analysis) and Y-L Chang analysis method are used to evaluate lateral capacity. From the statistical results, the p-y curve analysis with triaxial tensile test parameter is larger than p-y curve analysis with triaxial compression test parameter. However, the analysis results of p-y curve analysis with triaxial tensile test parameter are more consistent with the measured results. The Y-L Chang analysis results present larger difference as compared with measured results. The difference is small only in horizontal displacement at 20 mm for drained soils and 10 mm for undrained soils. Specific design recommendations are given for the use of lateral interpretation criteria and capacity prediction analysis of driven piles. These design recommendations are also given with the appropriate statistics to describe the quality of these recommended models.


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