  • 學位論文


The impact of coffee drinking on personalized coffee shop preferences

指導教授 : 王如鈺


隨著國人所得提升與生活型態改變,「咖啡」逐漸融入人們的日常作息當中。從連鎖咖啡、平價咖啡到個性咖啡,街道巷弄裡充斥著各式各樣不同訴求與風格的咖啡店,滿足著不同的客群。隨著人們對咖啡飲用度的提升,不論是公事洽談、朋友聚會或是一個人靜靜地工作與優閒時光,喝咖啡對消費者來說,逐漸成為了一種生活文化。 台灣不像歐美具有根深蒂固的咖啡文化,早年國人喝咖啡的風氣未開,消費價位也偏高,非一般家庭能接受。人們把喝咖啡視為貴族家庭的洋派作風,或是某種特殊狀況下才會去消費的行為。國內咖啡族的偏好,多半會隨著年紀、收入的增長,以及咖啡資訊透明與普及化,而循序漸進,向上提升。 雖然1997年就有研究將咖啡館分類,但自 2002 年開始才陸續出現個性化咖啡店相關研究,至今研究篇數仍然不多。國人平均每人一年喝掉122杯咖啡(2015),每天喝一杯以上咖啡比例亦從18%成長至23%,顯示咖啡飲用度普遍提升。有鑑於此,本研究欲剖析咖啡飲用度不同的族群,對個性化咖啡店偏好是否有所差異,運用在實際經營上能否有所幫助?成為了本研究的研究動機。 研究結果顯示雖然國人咖啡飲用度普遍提升(抽樣結果每日超過一杯者達36.2%),但咖啡飲用度提升與個性化咖啡店的偏好之間並未存在關鍵影響。進一步本研究發現,消費者最重視個性化咖啡店偏好的部分為「空間規劃合宜舒適」、「飲品品質良好」、「員工的儀容整潔」、「店主專業知識豐富」、「店主的服務態度良好」。 根據上述結果,本研究建議有志投入個性化咖啡店創業的人應發揮自己的獨特風格與技術經營,例如店內擺設可依自身喜好或顧客要求更動,同時著重於飲品品質與技術提升(例如咖啡豆烘培方式、咖啡沖泡的調理技術),努力使特色中具有更匠心獨具的特色,讓消費者有清楚的記憶點,方能創造核心價值與風格定位。同時保持良好的服務品質、儀容及環境整潔,更是讓客人不斷回流的經營之道,全力以赴提高夢想成功的機率。


"Coffee" gradually integrates into Taiwanese daily life, with the increase in Taiwanese income and lifestyle changes. There is glutted with various types of café among streets and alleys, from the chain of café, budget café to personalized café, to supply different flavor coffee and meet all kinds of customer bases. In addition, with the increase in the degree of dependence on drinking coffee, because people drinks coffee whenever he/she does, it gradually develops into a life culture. There is not a cultural heritage of coffee in Taiwan but Western, people did not get used to drink coffee, and it is considered to be an expensive habit that difficult for people to accept. And people thought drinking coffee is a Western noble habit, or for some special situations. Besides, the group’s preference of drinking coffee is getting higher and higher when the growth of age and income.Although there is some researches about classification of café since 1997, the researches about personlized café went by in a stream from 2002; however, there is still a small number of relative researches. On the other hand, the cups of coffee that Taiwanese drink average 122 cups every year, the proportion of drinking more than a cup of coffee also grow up from 18% to 23%. These phenomena express that the degree of drinking coffee is increasing. In the light of this, this study would try to analyze whether the degree of drinking coffee will influence the preference of café in Taiwan, and whether it could assist in operating a café. The findings suggest that the degree of Taiwanese drinking coffee is increasing (sampling result shows that the proportion of drinking more than a cup of coffee grows up to 36.2%), but there is not direct relationship between the degree of drinking coffee and the preference of personlized café.This study further suggests what customers attach much weight to whether the space design is comfortable, the quality of drink is fine, the appearance of employees is neat, the owner’s professional knowledge is exuberant, and the owner’s service attitude is favourable.As mention above, this study recommends that if you are interested in starting a business about personalized café, you should focus on tidy apperance and environment and exert the personalized stylish on operating skill and space design, in the meanwhile, raise the quality of products and service, then heighten the rate of success.


4.李宛凌 (2008),「台灣咖啡產業的歷史考察」,國立台北教育大學社會科教育學系碩士論文。
10.曾啟書 (2012),「小型個性化咖啡店的商店印象與顧客價值之相關性研究-以台南市老屋咖啡店為例」,國立高雄餐旅大學餐旅管理研究所碩士論文。文。
