  • 學位論文


The Study of Lighting Design Program for Department Store

指導教授 : 周鼎金


近年來新的百貨商場相繼產生,為求市場的佔有率以別舊有的百貨商場型態,除建築規模及空間樣式上重新定位,也在商品陳列及動線聯繫上重新思考,讓整體空間感獲得清新亮麗的意象,並期望能塑造一舒適溫馨及吸引人的購物環境,讓消費者願發更多時間停留購物。那麼結合空間特色、搭配商品陳列作整體的照明設計就非常重要。如何利用色溫及照度間的搭配及變化,並利用光的明暗來營造層次感、立體感、來加深消費者對空間的意象,激發購買慾,便成為值得去研究思考的課題。 以百貨商場為主題,經觀察發現照度過亮的商場雖有明亮、振奮的感覺,可是會覺得沒有主題,相反的過於昏暗之購物環境會有不安、沉悶的感覺。若搭配照明設計來提供空間適當的照度、色溫與照明方式,可解決購物者的視覺生理與心理上的需求,進而營造出適宜的空間氣氛;那如何營造適合該空間特性的照明樣式與需求,並能滿足購物者的心理反應也是本研究的重點。 就本論文研究將針對相關之照明理論做整理與研讀、加以蒐集文獻資料與實際案例調查分析,再以案例探討與驗證,藉以擬定有關百貨商場之照明設計計畫,提供做百貨商場規劃照明時之設計參考依據。


色溫 照度 照明設計 心理反應


There are many new department store opening in these years. In order to create comfortable and attractive atmosphere to encourage visitors’ desire to purchase, these centers are designed carefully with larger indoor space, newfangled interior decoration, modern merchandise display and smooth movement. Illumination, the key element of highlighting coherent space and individual merchandise, is very important in today’s department store s. Therefore, how to create various layouts and stereos by different color temperature and lighting design in shopping centers to enhance the spatial identity and business achievement, which should be the considerable issue in department store r design. According to the observation, it is interesting to note that the department store with higher illuminance are presenting bright and exciting atmosphere. However, these centers are often losing their topics. In the contrast, the department store with lower illuminance are making visitors feel disturb and bored. Consequently, the appropriate lighting that satisfy visitors’ visual and mental needs are helpful to create comfortable space. The study will also focus on visitors’ psychological reactions in different lighting. There are three dimensions of the dissertation. Firstly, search and study the reference in lighting field. Secondly, investigate and analyze different cases. Thirdly, by case observation and experimentation to conclude the lighting design plan in department Store, which would be an appropriate suggestion for lighting design in department store.


〔1〕 石曉蔚著,室內照明設計原理,台北市:淑馨出版社,1998。
〔2〕 石曉蔚著,室內照明設計應用,台北市:淑馨出版社,1997。
〔3〕 .珍.高爾愛著,李斯平、胡慕輝譯,室內照明設計實例,台北市:
