  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Tunnel 3D Hydrological Analysis and It’s Application on Rock Mass Permeability Back Calculation

指導教授 : 王泰典


台灣本島位於歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊交界處,板塊互相擠壓造成活躍的造山運動,交通的脈絡需仰賴隧道於以銜接,且台灣地區雨量充沛,山區地下水豐富,山岳隧道開挖時,常遇相關水文地質課題:湧水及水地下水造成的影響,若能先掌握其水文地質特性,提供工程開挖相關滲流問題探討之基礎,亦助於釐清岩體滲透特性及其他場址特性之關聯。 本研究利用新永春隧道東澳段場址之水文地質環境,以有效孔隙介質模式分析,建立三維水文地質模型,結合地下水數值模擬分析程式Groundwater Modeling System(GMS)分析,分別利用案例岩層小尺度試驗結果和既有隧道反算獲得的參數,探討在不同水力參數下建置之模型,開挖後達穩態時不同岩性或地質條件下滲水量之差異;以及在同水力參數模型下,動態流量在不同地質條件下隨時間變化之特性。 研究結果顯示,斷層構造通過時有較高的滲水量但與片岩無明顯差異;水力傳導係數的差異符合尺度上造成的效應,而在隧道滲水量部分則無明顯的差異;隧道上方有無補注來源其滲流行為結果差異甚大,表示邊界狀況影響隧道滲流行為顯著。


Taiwan is located between the boundary in Eurasian Plate and Philippinessea tectonic plate , the plate squeezes each other cause orogeny. The traffic needs tunnel to conjunct every location and the rainfall and groundwater are abundance. When tunnel excavate usually need to face tunnel inflow issus.If know the properties of Hydrogeololgy, then we can apply date for engineering. Using Equivalent Porous Medium, 3D Conceptual Models and Groundwater Modeling System, to analysis Hydrogeololgy on New Yung-Chuen tunnel and Dong-Ao tunnel . First, analysis different hydraulic conductivity from surrounding rock and back calculation when case steady or same flow .Second, under same parameter model, the transient state discharge change with time on different geology of characteristic. The fault pass the part of geology outflow change highly than schist. The hydraulic conductivity and size effect are fit, but the discharge is not obvious. The boundary condition and recharge on the tunnel are effect the model result.


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