  • 學位論文


Serial Verb Constructions in Mandarin Chinese

指導教授 : 林宗宏


本文的目的在於經由跨語言的角度來討論漢語連謂結構(serial verb construction)的定義及句法分析。 連謂結構即一個句子中有兩個以上的動詞或動詞片語,且之間沒有任何的連接詞存在。通常兩個動詞要同屬於一個時態,且至少要分享同一個論元。有一派學者主張連謂結構的重心應該放在這個共用的賓語,但所有討論連謂結構的其他語言文獻資料中,仍以主語共享的句型為主。 漢語的連謂結構,自Li and Thompson (1973, 1974, 1981) 發表他們的重要的學術論文以來,相關的討論便不斷的接踵而來。隨著西方在相同議題的發展,一些學者引進了西方的觀點來重新定義中文,而原本Li and Thompson 所分類的連謂結構,最後只剩下三種。我把他們依據動詞片語的語意功能或相互之間的關係,重新命名為「連續事件的連謂結構」(Sequential SVC)、「情境的連謂結構」(Circumstantial SVC)以及「有連謂結構」(You SVC),並加入一種他們沒有討論過的,以共用的賓語為中心的「方向性連謂結構」(Directional SVC)。以下為例句: (1) 我煮飯吃。 連續事件的連謂結構 (2) 他讀書很專心。 情境的連謂結構 (3) 我有水喝。 有連謂結構 (4) 他拿筆出來。 方向性連謂結構 接下來的章節,我們針對各種結構逐一做語句的測試與分析,其結果如下:前三種共用主語的句型看起來都是左元的修正性結構(modifier sturcture);而最後一種以共用賓語為中心的結構則是以左邊動詞為中心語的複合述語(Left-headed Complex Predicate)。


This thesis focuses on the definitions and syntax of serial verb constructions (SVCs) in Mandarin Chinese from a crosslinguistic perspective. An SVC refers to a sentence where a sequence of verbs or VPs appears without any overt conjunction. In addition, verbs in an SVC are understood in the same tense, and share at least one argument. While Baker (1989, 1999), Collins (1997) and Stewarts (1998), among others, propose the center of an SVC is the shared object, other language data reveal that subject sharing is more prevalent in SVC literature. On the other hand, Chinese SVCs have acquired much attention since Li and Thompson (1973, 1974, 1981) unveiled their influential works on the topic. Subsequent studies introducing contemporary theories with a focus on subject sharing argued that some of Li and Thompson’s SVC types should be expelled. The remnant are three sentence types: namely, Sequential SVCs, Circumstantial SVCs, and You SVCs, in our terminology. Considering object sharing is crucial in some SVC languages, we include one more type into discussion—Directional SVCs. (1) wo zhu fan chi. (Sequential SVC) I cook rice eat ‘I cook rice to eat.’ (2) ta du shu hen zhuanxin. (Circumstantial SVC) He read book very concentrated ‘He is very concentrated when he is studying.’ (3) wo you shui he. (You SVC) I have water drink ‘I have water to drink.’ (4) ta na bi chu-lai. (Directional SVC) He take pen out-come ‘He took a pen out.’ Syntactically, the first three types all involve subject sharing and appear like modifier-head structures. The last type, on the contrary, involves object sharing, and is better analyzed as a left-headed complex predicate.
