  • 學位論文


Container-Based Scale-Out Architecture for Cloud Storage Service

指導教授 : 鍾葉青 李哲榮


雲段儲存服務的使用者日益增多,資源開始不足的議題是無可避免的。而在這個時候,雲端儲存服務的水平擴充的架構就能夠解決資源不足的問題。當我們部署服務在單一節點上時,資源很明顯是不夠的。很多現有的雲端儲存服務,像是Dropbox、Google Drive和Amazon S3也使用叢集的方式來部署服務以提供更多的資源,因此把水平擴充的架構部署到叢集上,對雲端儲存服務來說是個其中一個重要的趨勢。 在這篇論文裡我們呈現一個基於容器技術的水平擴充架構,能解決雲端儲存服務資源不足的問題。我們基於這樣的架構實作了SSBox叢集系統。基於容器技術的SSBox叢集系統是基於Docker和CoreOS實作的。Docker利用container技術讓部署方便,而CoreOS則是使用容器技術的orchestrator。我們的目標是藉由使用這些這些技術,水平擴充雲端儲存服務並取得效能的提升跟提供動態部署管理的功能。實驗的結果顯示我們的架構可以線性的提升效能,而架構因為很彈性,也可以被其他雲端服務使用。


雲端儲存 水平擴充 容器


The concept and implement of the scale-out architecture for cloud storage service is significant and necessary due to the increased number of users. The resources in a single node is definitely not enough. Many famous cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive and Amazon S3 also build their services on a cluster to provide more resources. Therefore, the scale-out architecture on a cluster is one of the most important trends for cloud storage services. In this thesis, we propose our container-based scale-out architecture for cloud storage service. Based on this architecture, we implement SSBox cluster system. The container-based SSBox cluster system is based on Docker and CoreOS. Docker is the advanced container technology for deployment, and CoreOS is the orchestrator for containers. Our goal is to scale out cloud storage service to get performance boost and provide dynamic deployment management with these technologies. The experimental result shows that SSBox scales out linearly based on the proposed architecture. Since the architecture is flexible, it can also be applied to other cloud services.


Cloud Storage Scale Out SSBox Docker Container CoreOS


1. Dropbox. Available from: https://http://www.dropbox.com/.
6. loader. Available from: https://loader.io/.
7. Amazon S3. Available from: http://aws.amazon.com/tw/s3/.
15. Ceph. Available from: http://ceph.com/ .
16. Ghemawat, S., H. Gobioff, and S.-T. Leung. The Google file system. in ACM SIGOPS operating systems review. 2003. ACM.
