  • 學位論文


Study of Malaysia Language Planning: Controversial between Monolingual Policy and Plights of Ethnic Minorities

指導教授 : 盧國屏


由語言爭議而引起的族群衝突是二十世紀諸多民族國家的特徵之一。代表支配族群利益的國語政策對國語地位的追求往往忽視弱勢族群之語言人權。語言衝突在馬來西亞尤為嚴重,幾乎所有重大的族群衝突和政治事件莫不和語言爭議相關;爭議的原由一方面來自語言多樣性的社會現實,另一方面則源自語言、政治與族群認同之間的複雜關係,或語言政治。 馬來西亞的少數民族(minority nationalities)與原住民對多元主義的語言政策(pluralist language policy)之要求逐漸強烈;這種訴求對仍在實行族群同化(assimilation)或融合政策(integration)的政府構成嚴峻的挑戰。本文先揭示馬來西亞語言規劃的目的、意識型態及其方法論,以及其形成的歷史、政治與社會結構因素。其次說明語言規劃對弱勢族群母語使用和發展之影響,進而解釋語言規劃的目的和弱勢族群語言人權訴求之間的衝突;最後指出語言規劃的缺失並提出改善的建議。內容分為九章,分列如下: 第一章先闡明語言規劃的定義、歷史及研究的主要兩種進路和其理論基礎,第一章先闡明語言規劃的定義、歷史及研究的主要兩種進路和其理論基礎,再提出傳統人權概念在保障語言人權上的局限,並闡發語言多樣性和語言人權的概念;最後對馬來西亞語言規劃的文獻進行梳理與評估。 第二章概述馬來西亞各族語的語用歷史和現況以及馬來語的散播與使用歷史。 第三章整理與概述馬來西亞的語言衝突事件,並解釋其產生的歷史、政治與社會結構原因。 第四章解釋對馬來西亞語言多樣性構成威脅的兩大因素;即以同化為目的的單語主義,國族主義與馬來民族主義,它們體現在語言政策、教育政策和文化政策的實施上。 其次乃對族群身份認同構成焦慮的英語全球化之趨勢,即英語霸權。 第五章採歷時角度闡述馬來西亞語言與教育政策的實施及各語文傳播媒介的用語情況和限制。 第六章說明語言規劃對各弱勢族群母語教育與使用,或母語公共領域之發展的影響。 第七章通過語言、政治與族群意識的概念分析,梳理馬來西亞語言政治的複雜關係。 第八章提出馬來西亞語言規劃的缺失和展望。 第九章除了總結,亦提出未來可拓展研究的方向。


Ethnic conflict caused by language issues is one of the characteristics of nation-state nowadays. National language policy which representing the interest of dominance ethnic often neglected linguistic human rights of ethnic minorities. Language conflicts in Malaysia have being serious, since almost major ethnic conflicts and political issues have been and are still related with language issues. Causes of language conflicts on one hand have originated from diversity of language, on the other hand have caused by complicated relation within language, politics and ethnic identity, or it may be called the language politics. Minority nationalities and indigenous people of Malaysia is demanding a pluralist language policy. For Malaysian government who is still implementing policy of assimilation or integration on ethnic minorities, these plights are posing a great challenge. This dissertation initially aims at exposing the objectives, ideology and methodology of language planning in Malaysia, and the historical, political and social structural elements constitute it. Secondly, it explains the impact of language planning on the use and development of ethnic minorities languages, and analyze the conflict between the objectives of language planning and plights of linguistic human rights. Finally, some drawbacks of Malaysia language planning are pointed out and recommendation are made to overcome the problems. The thesis are divided into 9 parts stated as bellows: First chapter clarify the definition and history of language planning, explaining two major approaches and their theoretical basis in the studies of language planning. Limitation of traditional concepts on human rights will be explored and the idea of language diversity and linguistic human rights will be introduced. Finally, an examination and evaluation on previous studies of language planning of Malaysia are carried out. Chapter two introduces the history and recent situation of socio-linguistic profile of various language groups in Malaysia. The history of transmission and development of Malay language would also be explained. The third chapter sort out major language conflicts in Malaysia and explain their historical, political and structural causes. Chapter four explain the two major factors threatening language diversity of Malaysia. Factor one is monolingualism, ideology of nation-state and Malay nationalism who aim to assimilate ethnic minorities, they are implemented through language policy, education policy and cultural policy. Another factor is globalization of English or the so-called English Hegemony, which create an ambiguity of ethnic identity amongst various ethnic. Chapter five describes the implementation of language policy and education policy and the use or restriction of languages of multi-languages mass media in Malaysia. Chapter six analyses the impact of language planning on mother tongue education and development of ethnic minority languages. The implications on public sphere of mother tongue would also be explained. Chapter seven identifies the complicated relationships of language politics of Malaysia through analyzing the concepts of language, politics and ethnic identity. Chapter eight points out various drawback of language planning in Malaysia and make some concrete suggestions. Besides conclusion, chapter nine proposes some recommendations for future studies.




