  • 學位論文


A Study on the Usability User Interfaces of CTI Call Out Platform

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥


在當前經濟不景氣競爭日趨激烈的環境下,客服所提供之服務績效不但被視為客戶滿意度指標,更是業者競爭利器之一,因此要如何提昇顧客之向心力,取得客戶忠誠之認同,成為目前企業最為關心的課題。 廿十一世紀的全球化世界,多元文化競爭,客觀環境變化極快速的時代,客服中心執行策略對企業長期營運效益尤顯重要,客服人員的服務態度即是客服中心成敗之關鍵。根據1997年Wilhelm 和Rossello實務觀察指出,以服務性著稱的公司,皆具備相同之處,亦即利用第一線人員與客戶親切的互動、進而掌握客戶訊息、更新客戶檔案、善用科技建立管理,結合人性與科技為輔,互為環節,一體合用創造企業良好效益【6】。 然而第一線客服人員的工作,長期以來均是處在壓力極大的環境中,同時必須即時與客戶產生互動和記錄修改相關資料,容易有因情緒、疲勞而造成效率不彰等問題,因此讓客服人員能在愉悅、專注、清析服務態度下來完成其工作是一個值得探討的問題,Shneiderman提出因為人們越來越體認到好的介面對使用者的幫助,因而對介面的可用性產生很大興趣,而此動機悠關著企業的生存。 本研究透過CTI(Computer Telephony Integration)之客服中心(Call Center)外撥(Out Bound)操作平台為觀察點,進行可用性平台之探討以期瞭解如何建構較具可用性、親和力之客服操作平台介面。本研究參考Nunamaker系統發展研究方法建置CTI外撥平台雛型系統,並以此系統作為可用性與滿意度調查之基礎,研究結果顯示:(1)「客服中心」(Call Center)整合數位化之妥善運用,可以提高使用者的滿意度;(2)有良好的可用性並且設計完善的系統畫面可以改善工作場所的效率。


As market competition gets more and more relentless, corporate call centers serve not only as a barometer of customer satisfaction, but they are also very useful tools for companies to win out in the competition. As a result, if businesses want to retain customers by winning their loyalty, call centers are key to their strategies. As globalization takes hold in the twenty-first century, businesses have to compete in multi-cultural environments that are changing from day to day. Consequently, customer service strategy and its execution are essential for long-term corporate results. And without doubt, the success or failure of a company’s customer service depends on the quality of its service personnel. As Wilhelm and Rossello pointed out in their study in business practice in 1997, the organizations that were renowned for their customer service had many features in common. For example, they were all very good at using line personnel to interact and communicate with customers, and as a result they were able to gather information on customers, updating their profiles regularly, and managing the data by making use of the best technology available. Technology and humanity go hand in hand in these cases, creating value for the companies involved. However, customer-facing employees usually have to endure a stressful working environment, as they interact with customers and take in information real time, and sometimes they become inefficient because of bad moods or fatigue. As a consequence, it is important to find ways to allow customer service personnel to engage customers in an amiable and dedicated way, and to communicate with them with clarity. As Schneiderman pointed out, people have come to realize the value of good interfaces, and resources have been directed to the research and development of applicable interfaces. A successful application could do a lot to improve an organization’s future prospect. In light of this, my study focuses on the operating platform interfaces of out-bound computer telephone integrated (CTI) call centers, aiming to analyze and construct customer service operating platform interfaces that are the most applicable and user-friendly. Taking the Nunamaker system as a reference point, I have successfully developed a model system of CTI out-bound call center. A subsequent review on the applicability and user satisfaction of the model system reveals that: (1)Well-integrated and digitalized call centers are very helpful in guaranteeing users’ satisfaction. (2)Applicable and well-constructed interface screen designs will facilitate the operation of workplaces.


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12.Keen, P.G., Shaping the Future: Business Design Through Information Technology, Harvard Business School Press, 1991.
13.Nunamaker, J. F., “Systems Development in Information Systems Research,” Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 3, Winter 1990-91, pp. 89-106.
1.李美華等(合譯),「社會科學研究方法」(Earl Babbie著),時英書局,2004。
