  • 學位論文


The Study of Reclaiming Process and Strategy Evaluating Criterions for Waste Computers.

指導教授 : 羅惠瓊


隨著資訊科技的進步,電腦雖已成為人類生活中不可或缺的產品,但隨著新產品的上市快速且價格下降等因素,使得電腦汰舊換新的頻率增快,造成廢電腦的數量因而增加,進而衍生出電腦產品生命終期(end of life)的處理問題,讓各國政府與企業都開始重視到廢電腦的管理問題。然而,目前政府所推行的資源回收再利用政策是著重於鼓勵不堪用之廢資訊產品的資源回收再生活動,是將回收產品分解成原物料,然後再將具有經濟及回收再利用性的再生資源進行再使用和再生利用,而沒有考慮到堪用的回收產品進行二手產品的利用。因此,在台灣有進行二手電腦再利用的回收商家數並不多,少有文獻以回收商觀點探討考量廢電腦處理方式時的評估準則。此外,廢電腦之逆物流相關產業多處於資訊不透明的環境且少有文獻以宏觀角度探討整個廢電腦產業的產業鏈。有鑑於此,本研究嘗試以廢電腦整體產業鏈的角度,針對有從事二手電腦的回收商及廢資訊物品處理廠進行研究,以瞭解二手電腦再利用的資訊和不堪用之電腦處理流程,並建構出廢電腦處理流程之整體性模式。除此之外,本研究運用模糊層級分析法後,探討回收商在進行廢電腦再利用方案決策時所需考量的因素及其重要性排序。 經個案訪談與專家訪談後,瞭解二手電腦與不堪用之報廢電腦處理流程之後,本研究已建構出一個廢電腦處理流程之整體模式。另外,研究結果也發現回收商在進行廢電腦處理方式選擇時,最重視的準則前三名分別為「回收價值」、「產品規格」與「綠色形象」。冀望藉由這些研究結果,可提供目前的廢電腦相關業者或將來有意進入此領域的業者瞭解到廢電腦逆物流的整體概況,並進一步地瞭解企業自身與上下游夥伴的關係,期使可更有效率地落實廢電腦回收與再利用。


With advancement in information technology, computers become more and more important in our life. On the other hand, a large number of waste computers are found, as new products enter the market quickly, the prices go down rapidly, and product life cycle becomes shorter. For this reason, Governments and enterprises are starting to focus on management of waste computers in the world. However, the policy which is implemented by the government in Taiwan focuses primarily on activity of recycling and reusing of the obsolete information technology products. Under the police, the obsolete products are only transferred into raw materials and then these materials which are valuable will be reused, but it is not encouraged to be upgraded as secondhand products. Hence, only a few recycling agents work on the reuse of secondhand products. Besides, there are only seldom studies to confer the evaluating criteria of treatment in waste computers in the recycling agents’ point of view. Moreover, the information about the relevant industry of waste computers in reverse logistic is opaque and a few of studies confer the industrial chain of the whole waste computer’s industry from a macro perspective. Therefore, The study subjects are recycling agents of secondhand computers and WEEE treatment plants. With their assistance, we are able to realize the information of reusability of the waste computers and the treatment processes of the waste computers which cannot be reused. Furthermore, the study constructs a whole model about processing flows of waste computers. In addition, FAHP method is also use to get the weights (or priority) of each evaluating criterion of waste computers. After we interviewed with case studies and experts, we realize treatment processes of waste computer and construct a whole model about processing flow of waste computers. Furthermore, the study finds that the most important criterion is recycling value drivers. Second is product specification and third is green image. By the consequences of the study, practitioners can obtain some useful information to improve their performance. In addition, they can also understand the relationship between enterprises and supply chain partners. Consequently, they can implement the activities of recycling and reusing efficiently.


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