  • 學位論文

臺灣學術期刊數位出版調查研究─以2009年TSSCI及THCI Core選錄期刊為基礎

Investigation of Academic Journals of Digital Publishing in Taiwan: based on TSSCI and THCI Core 2009

指導教授 : 邱炯友


學術期刊是學術傳播的重要管道之一,亦是公告研究成果與評鑑學術成就的工具。透過數位出版,瞭解臺灣學術期刊目前數位化的程度深淺及其授權予學術期刊資料庫的狀況為何。 鑒於前述問題,本研究旨在探討數位出版對學術期刊產生的影響,透過問卷調查法及文獻分析法瞭解2009年臺灣TSSCI及THCI Core所收錄的範圍中,每本學術期刊數位典藏及數位授權的現況與特性,接著再分別經由營利性與非營利性學術期刊資料庫調查學術期刊的實際授權範圍,作為探討依據。 本研究之分析結果如下: 一、臺灣學術期刊單位普遍皆有作者授權書不全問題。 二、電子全文資料庫的授權範圍不甚理想。 三、學術期刊單位對於擴展能見度及引用率多處於被動。 根據此研究結果,本研究另提出下列三項建議: 一、需建立起追蹤過刊之作者授權同意書機制,如期刊單位礙於人力與時間之考量,則可拉長追蹤時限,務使學術出版能更有效地運用。 二、資料庫業者應抱持相互信任合作態度,並可適當地提出學術期刊衍伸性報告之要求,有效使用合作關係。 三、期刊單位應秉持學術傳播精神,致力提升學術期刊之能見度,應儘可能利用網際網路工具。


學術期刊 數位出版


Academic journal is one of important channels for scholarly communication, is also bulletin academic research and evaluation tools. through digital publishing, to realize the level of digitization of academic Journals and the status about authorization in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of digital publishing on academic journal. By questionnaire and literature review method, to understand each one journal’s characteristics of the current situation of digital archives and digital licensing in TSSCI and THCI Core 2009,then discuss for-profit and nonprofit journal databases to survey academic journal’s authorization. The results of this study are as follows: 1.Units of academic journal generally have problem of incomplete authorization in Taiwan. 2.There is not enough about full-text in academic journal database. 3.In extended visibility and citation rate for more of units of academic journal in a passive way. Based on the conclusion above, three suggestions are raised as follow: 1.Need to establish tracking of the Archive of the license agreement mechanism, to ensure academic journals can more efficient to use. 2.It should trust each other between database industry and units of academic journal. 3.Units of academic journal should devoted to increase it’s visibility and use Internet well.


Academic Journal Digital Publishing


林康民,「中國數位出版產業發展情形」,研考雙月刊 32卷3期(2008):64。
2009 THCI Core資料庫收錄期刊名單available from: http://www.hrc.ntu.edu.tw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=715&Itemid=391。
吳紹群、吳明德,「開放資訊取用期刊對學術傳播系統之影響」,圖書資訊學研究(2007,12):21-54。引自Harwood, P, “Chain Reaction: New Roles and Changing Relationships in the Scholarly Communications Process,” Managing Information 10, no.9 (2003):6-7.
