  • 學位論文


A Study of P’u Hsin-yu’s Poetry and Prose

指導教授 : 崔成宗


溥心畬先生(1896~1963),本名愛新覺羅溥儒,為滿清皇族宗室。溥先生成名於1930年代,「南張北溥」名號逐漸在當時藝壇流行,這樣的說法至今依然流傳不絕。儘管溥先生曾以「詩書畫三絕」名噪當時,然而世人總是特別注重他在書畫藝術上的成就,卻忽略了他在文學創作上的傑出表現。其實溥先生的學養與人品更為人所欽佩,他終其一生以學者自許,在經典的閱讀中培養自己高尚的人格,即便遭遇亂世,仍然能夠固守堅貞的節操,也因此他在詩文作品中表現出不凡的格調。 孟子嘗云:「頌其詩,讀其書,不知其人,可乎?」由是之故,本篇論文首在討論溥心畬先生的生平際遇與學養人品。其次則在分析溥先生詩文作品的內容與思想,並在這樣的基礎之上,釐清其詩文作品的風格特色,進而為溥先生的詩文作品尋求一合理而適當的歷史定位。最後結論之處,再次闡明溥心畬先生高尚的人格情操,充份反應在他的詩文作品之中,使得他的人品與創作同樣為後人所景仰。 本篇論文的最大特色是以駢儷的文體書寫,原因是要向喜歡創作駢文的溥心畬先生表達最崇高的敬意。雖然在寫作的過程之中遭遇許多困難,仍勉力在數年之間完成此篇共約十四萬字的論文,同時也希望我已然實現先祖父亟思榮耀故交溥心畬先生的遺願。


Mr. P’u Hsin-yu (1896~1963) was a descendant of the royal family of Ch’ing dynasty. The family name of his imperial Manchu was Aixinjueluo P’u Ju. Mr. P’u made his mark in the 1930s; the term of “Nan Chang Pei P’u” (Chang of the south and P’u of the north) became popular within the art community at that time. Even today, it still commands a following. Mr. P’u was famous for his three major accomplishments in poetry, calligraphy, and art. However, people always focus too much on his achievement in art, and ignore his remarkable success in literary creation. In fact, his moral integrity and outstanding achievement were admired the most. He considered himself to be a scholar. He nourished himself an elevated dignity through studying classic scripture and literature. He maintained a faithful and unyielding toward humanity in a very turbulent world, which was often reflected as an extraordinary style in his poetry and prose. “In reading ancient poetry and prose, we cannot fully understand a poet’s inner thoughts unless we understand his experiences in life!” said by Mencius. For this reason, the first part of this study is a discussion on Mr. P’u Hsin-yu’s experiences in life, moral integrity and outstanding scholarship. The second part of this study was to analyze the thinking and the contains of Mr. P’u’s poetry and prose. Based on these, the clarification of the characteristic features and the style in his poetry and prose composed the third part of this study. Through this study, we can define a more reasonable position for his literary achievement in history. Finally, it shows consistently connection between his integrity as a great person and literary creation. Noble thoughts and feelings were unreservedly revealed in his poetry and prose, and they are always respected. The most distinguished feature of this thesis is that it was written in a style of rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness. I chose this style to pay my greatest homage to Mr. P’u who extremely liked this style. Despite the difficulty in the process of writing, I have exerted all my strength to finish this thesis of 140,000 characters within several years. In the meantime, I hope that I have accomplished the unfulfilled wish of my late grandfather to honor his best friend, Mr. P’u Hsin-yu.


《十三經師承略解》 溥心畬先生撰 臺北:臺灣書店,民國50年版
《日月潭教師會館碑》 溥心畬先生書 臺北:臺灣書店,民國82年2月版
《毛詩經證》 溥心畬先生撰 臺北:乾隆圖書,民國69年版
《四書經義集證》 溥心畬先生撰 臺北:六藝出版社,民國57年版



