  • 學位論文


Study of Song officials push

指導教授 : 林煌達




This special order "push official" as the research topic, due attention is the Song dynasty judicial proceedings to state military government, for example, by the Office of admissibility proceedings signed by trial and seizure law, and finally "intend judgment" document was known to the state sentence. "Proposed contracting" work, in principle, many officials push or Magistrate Office official penned a book signing in the process of case review, "officials push" play an important role, they are responsible to be sentenced in accordance with statute written instrument, it is generally push officer on duty located in "pushing Ju prison litigation." But after historical data collection and research, found that officials push also "urge Governor taxes," the responsibility, and secondly to know the state officials push to help businesses deal with the state are: debt collection, maintenance of public order, irrigation irrigation, famine relief, construction areas, etc. a variety of tasks, from the work of officials push so diverse content, pushing the official position of the government at the state level can be described as decisive, because officials push has nexus function, in addition to know the state and pass sentence, he is the most able to understand the state-level administrative affairs officials, who demonstrate the ability to work so multifaceted, state-level screen shows the importance of recruits.


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15. 衣川強,鄭梁生譯,〈以文臣為中心論宋代路俸給〉(上),《食貨月刊》,臺北:食貨月刊社,1974年,第4卷,第5期,頁202-232。
16. 衣川強,鄭梁生譯,〈以文臣為中心論宋代路俸給〉(上),《食貨月刊》,臺北:食貨月刊社,1974年,第4卷,第6期,頁233-253。
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