  • 學位論文


The Study of Micro Film Advertising: From Uses and Gratifications Theory

指導教授 : 黃振家


隨著網路的進步與普及,新科技的傳播方式已改變人們的生活與閱聽習慣,微電影廣告,即是因應多元化的網路傳播,創建一個與消費者的新溝通橋樑。微電影廣告,有別於傳統廣告的短秒數、直接訴說產品功能的行銷方式,改以說故事的方式作為情感訴求,例如輔以溫馨、可愛、逗趣、新奇等敘述方式,將品牌價值或商品理念包裝於故事內容中,用以增加閱聽眾對於廣告的共鳴與認同。 而微電影廣告善用著網路科技的特性,使之能在各種新媒體平台中播放,或是在移動狀態中及零碎休閒時間下觀看外,其藉由網路平台的特性:超文本、互動與匯流,讓使用者不再只是接收者,更可以主動的傳遞訊息,分享資訊。這相較於以往被動式或被迫式的收看廣告,微電影廣告閱聽眾,採取的是一種更為主動的態度:主動的觀看、主動的參與和主動的傳播。 在依據學者Williams(1982)研究指出,個人的意向將匯聚成社會共同的需求,並即預約某種科技的出現,但新傳播科技是否能被選擇與接受,多數仍取決於新科技是否能滿足人們的共同需求。故此本研究欲探討主旨即是:微電影廣告能滿足人類甚麼需求?微電影廣告的閱聽眾為何願意觀看?其使用動機是甚麼?而使用動機與滿足程度之間是否有其關聯性? 故本研究以Rosengren(1974)與Mcleod &Becker(1981)的「使用與滿足模式」為架構,針對主動點閱觀看微電影廣告的閱聽眾進行探索,並以問卷調查法與深度訪談法進行研究。經問卷調查結果顯示,在四項動機因素「流行/社交性」、「娛樂/消磨」、「資訊尋求」與「工具性」中,以「娛樂/消磨」動機因素最強,並以其構面題項中的「滿足好奇心」為最主要的觀看動機;另在四項滿足因素「流行/社交性」、「娛樂/消磨」、「資訊尋求」與「工具性」中,同是以「娛樂/消磨」滿足因素最強,但以「資訊尋求」構面題項中的「觀看微電影廣告能滿足我發現有趣的資訊」為最主要獲致滿足的原因;而在深度訪談研究中顯示,微電影廣告的故事鋪陳,是決定使用者情感涉入程度的重要因素。


With the advancement in technology and popularity of internet, the communication of new technology has changed people life and reading habit. Like micro-film advertising, it sprung up in recent years and seems to create a new communication bridge for consumers. Micro-film advertising different to traditional advertising model- short seconds and direct tell the function of products, it not only tell more emotional stories, but get brand value and product thought together in the story, like something warming, funny, lovable and ridiculous, then it could be easier to broke up the audience sympathy and identify. Micro-film advertising use well the internet technology characteristics, it let advertising can be watched on all sorts of new media, or even can be watched on moving state or scrappy time, and by the internet characters- hypertext, interaction and convergence, it had changed users not only to be a message receiver, but also to be a sender. That compare to the traditional commercial audience, micro film advertising audience is more active in watching or even participating in broadcasting. According to the scholar Williams(1982) study, that persons intention would be assemble to the social needs, then beforehand something new technology to appear, but it would be accepted or be negated, decided to technology whether satisfied persons needs or not. So this study would to discuss below substances: micro-film advertising can satisfied what people needs? Why people willing to watch? What is motivation? And what kinds of the relation between the three of the users of micro-film advertising. So this study will set out with Uses and Gratifications Theory of scholar Rosengren (1974) and Mcleod&Becker(1981), and to be aimed at micro-film advertising audiences. Then data collection used for this research is a quantitative survey questionnaire with purposive sampling to start. By preliminary questionnaire survey, the article generalizes four types of motives, “fashionable/social activity”, “amusement/ kill time”, “information search” and “instrumentality”, that “amusement / kill time” has strongest motivation than the others type , and in which “amusement / kill time” type questions, “satisfied the curiousness” is the principal reason. Then the other side, four types of gratification, “fashionable/social activity”, “amusement/ kill time”, “information search” and “instrumentality”, that “amusement / kill time” the same has strongest motivation than the others type. Eventually that study to show, network marketing not only have to provide the useful information, but also need to provide more entertainment message to attract more users to involvement the micro-film advertising.


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