  • 學位論文


Maritime Legislation and Its Conflict between Taiwan and the Philippines:A Case Study on Guang Da Xing No.28 Incident

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


「廣大興28號事件」發生於2013年5月9日,該起菲律賓巡邏船槍擊台灣漁船的事件,造成一名台灣船員的死亡。「廣大興28號事件」可以從許多不同的視角進行觀察與分析,若以微觀的角度而言,該起事件可以被定義為一起漁業衝突事件;從巨視的角度觀之,該起事件涉及台菲之間經濟海域重疊問題。 自1978年菲國宣布兩百浬專屬經濟海域以及台灣在隔年也宣布專屬經濟海域後,雙方對於該一海域所引發的魚捕爭端,一直未能妥適解決。最根本的問題是菲國無意就此與台灣協商,直至發生「廣大興28號事件」才使雙方有進一步的接觸和協商。然而菲國仍採拖延態度,雙方經過兩輪會談,至2014年底仍未有結論。本研究試圖從「廣大興28號事件」角度切入,探究該一海域衝突的歷史脈絡以及雙方秉持的海域立法內容和精神進行深入探討。 本研究在第一部分,將闡述台灣的海域主張與立法並以聯合國海洋法公約為基礎分析其立法旨意;第二部分,則是闡述菲律賓的海域主張與立法;第三部分,論及台灣與菲律賓從過去到現今的海域衝突與協商,廣大興號事件的過程與雙方政府協商過程;第四部分,則是結論,總結本研究之心得和發現。


“Guang Da Xing No.28 Incident”was occurred on May 9, 2013, by Philippine's patrolling boat shooting one Taiwanese fishing boat and resulted in one crew to death. Despite it was ostensibly looked upon as a fishing conflict, but it involved the different viewpoints of legislation on the law of sea. Since the Philippines proclaimed 200 nautical miles of Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in 1978 and Taiwan followed it in next year, there appeared several fishing conflicts in the overlapping EEZ. For the Philippines government has no intention to negotiate it with Taiwan, pending this issue till the happen of Guang Da Xing No.28 Incident. Even then both the governments of the Philippines and Taiwan negotiated twice, but no result. This study tried to analyze this case from the angle of Guang Da Xing No.28 Incident” and explored the historical context of fishing conflicts arose by different legislation of law of sea. In the first part of this study, I shall discuss the maritime claim and legislation of Taiwan. The second part is the maritime claim and legislation of the Philippines. The third part, I shall elaborate maritime conflicts and the process of “Guang Da Xing No.28 Incident”, the negotiation between Taiwan and the Philippines. The fourth part is the conclusion, crystallizing my research findings.


