  • 學位論文


Investigating Innovation Ability in Different Backgrounds of Groups

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


知識經濟的時代是一個進化、取代、淘汰的動態循環過程。企業需要創新來維持競爭力,個人也需要持續進步才能不被知識的洪流給淹沒。企業的創新需要大量的資源與個人創新能力;個人的創新能力則是必須仰賴知識的累積並轉化成一張知識網絡,才能提升自身的創新能力。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料的收集。樣本以台灣T校大學生與工作者、大陸J地區大學學生為主進行便利抽樣。樣本屬性方面,年齡分配大致在18~45歲之間,教育程度以大學占最大比例。資料分析使用敘述性統計分析、雙因子變異數分析以及簡單迴歸分析等統計方法。本研究將探討不同背景的群體創新能力差異;探討不同時點個人創新能力的差異以及探討創新能力與自我實現的相關性。 研究結果顯示,首先,台灣工作者與兩岸學生在科學素養的表現上具有顯著的差異;而其中又以有參與社團的工作者在科學素養的表現上更為突出。其次,台灣學生在偶然力的表現上呈現每期具有差異的情形,事後檢定發現,第二期皆優於第一期與第三期。最後在相關性分析部分,科學素養及偶然力皆呈現與自我實現具有顯著的正向相關性。 本研究建議可應用本量表對組織成員進行檢測,發掘出人員的潛在的能力與特質,並且在籌組組織時依據檢測結果,挑選具有互補效果能夠相輔相成的成員,讓團隊能夠發揮最大的能力。工作者具有突出的科學素養能力,因此對於學生而言,在求學吸收知識的階段應適度的接觸工作環境,更能培養適合的創新能力以及提早適應環境轉換的壓力。


Knowledge-based economy era is a dynamic cycle with evolutionary, substitution and elimination. Company need innovation to maintain competitiveness, individuals also need to continue progress. Business innovation requires a lot of resources and individual innovation ability. Individual innovation ability must rely on accumulated knowledge. This study adopted questionnaires to collect datas. The samples including Taiwan T school college Students, works and China J college Students. The age distribution of samples are substantially between 18 to 45 years old, and university education accounted for the largest proportion. Data analyzed using descriptive statistics, two-way ANOVA and simple linear regression. This study will investigate differences of individual innovation ability between groups with different backgrounds; differences of individual innovation ability between three period and the relationship between innovation ability and self-realization. The results, first, Workers and students have significant differences in scientific literacy; works who participate in club are More prominent. Second, Taiwan students' serendipity has significant difference in serendipity; T2 > T1, T2 > T3. Last, scientific literacy and serendipity with self-realization are showing significant positive correlation. The study suggest using the scale to explore the potential ability and qualities of members, and base on the results to find the members who are suitable. Workers have outstanding scientific literacy ability, so we suggest students should not only learn knowledge but also contact with the working environment moderately to find innovation ability and adapt the pressure from working environment.


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