  • 學位論文


A Study on the Current Situation and the Future Prospect of Marine Education in New Taipei City Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 陳錫珍


本研究藉由與新北市104年海洋教育種子教師工作坊之教育主管機關行政人員、推動小組的專家學者及參與工作坊的候選種子教師的半結構式訪談,探討海洋教育在新北市國民小學「資源建置」、「傳播行銷」、「專業增能」、「課程發展」、「體驗探索」五大向度之實施現況、遭遇的問題與因應之道,以及與對未來之展望。根據研究結果,歸納結論如下: 壹、實施上採分工合作、彈性多元、全面推廣的原則分為五大向度進行推動。  一、資源建置:提供優質且分工合作之海洋教育教學支援系統。  二、傳播行銷:彙編宣導資料持續多元引導理念傳遞。  三、專業增能:持續辦理基礎課程研習、擴大培訓種子教師。  四、課程發展:彈性化的回歸課程教學實施以利永續推動。  五、體驗探索:融入地方特色的生活化體驗全面進行推廣。 貳、主要遭遇的困難為經費不足、人力資源缺乏、地域性落差、課程互相排擠與親師生認知上的誤解。  一、經費上的不足導致人力資源的缺乏,進而影響網站的後續建置及相關的配套方善。  二、地域性的落差,造成重視度的不均、課程上的排擠及親師生的認知誤解。 參、推動上遭遇困難時,大多以透過彼此經驗分享、結合各類型資源的方式因應。  一、實務上尋求專業協助、經驗上跨縣市交流分享,藉以解決教學現場上碰到的問題。  二、透過藍星學校策略聯盟,結合各校環境教育、游泳教學等成果,跳脫海洋教育之字面意義。 肆、推動上已具備相當之優勢,展望未來可持續結合在地特色以成為擁有海洋思維的大河之都。   根據上述研究結論,研究者提出若干建議供教育主管機關、各推動之國小、現場之教師及後續研究者參考。


Through the semi-structured interviews with the administrative staff of the education authority, the counsellor of the implementation team, and the chosen teachers participated in the New Taipei City’s Marine Education Seed Teacher Workshop. The study aims at the current situation, problems and the problems encountered as well as the future outlook of the marine education in New Taipei City Elementary Schools on five dimensions which include resource development, communication marketing, professional enrichment, curriculum development, experience exploration. According to the results of the study, the conclusion is as follows: I.The promotion principles consist of teamwork, flexibility, diversity and comprehensive promotion in five dimensions. II.The main difficulties encountered for the lack of funds, lack of human resources, regional differences, the exclusion of courses and cognitive misunderstanding of parents, teachers and students. III.In response to difficulties of the promotion, sharing experience mutually, and combining with the various types of resources are recommended. IV.The promotion has been prevailing already. If we combine the local characteristics with sustainable promotion, it can become the most excellent ocean city. Based on the above findings, suggestions were proposed for Education Authorities of the city government, the schools, teachers as well as researchers of future studies.


行政院(2002)。挑戰 2008 國家發展重點計畫。臺北市:行政院經濟建設委員會。
