  • 學位論文


lnfluence of experiential real estate marketing on customer purchase intention

指導教授 : 楊立人




House prices in Taiwan have been increasing rapidly, especially in urban areas. They also continue to rise ahead of wages and inflation. This causes income inequality and a decline in living standards. Many young adults cannot afford to start a family. Two main reasons contribute to increasing house prices in urban areas. First, the government spends most of its funds in developing urban areas. Job opportunities and convenient living attract people moving to urban areas. When the supply of properties is less than demand, prices rise. Second, when property sales reprehensive sell properties located in the suburban areas, they don’t let home buyers know that it is only 40-50 minutes drive time to downtown. The selling agents also don’t explain that developers will provide better interior finishes and decorations for suburban properties in order to promote selling. By not providing all the facts to buyers suburban homes become less desirable. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of experiential marketing provided by house selling agents on home purchase intention. According to Schmitt (1999) Experiential Marketing is a way to get customers to sense, feel, think, act, and relate with the company and brands. This thesis uses Regression Analysis method to analyze how property developers can adopt Schmitt’s Experiential Marketing in the real estate market.


王世澤(2003),體驗行銷: 模型發展與實務驗証。中央大學企業管理系碩士論文。
