  • 學位論文


Impact of Motivation, Experience and Perceived Value on Behavioral Intention in E-sports Games

指導教授 : 施建州


本研究以有參與體驗電競遊戲的使用者為研究對象,利用問卷的方式來調查分析,總共收集問卷360份,扣除無效問卷47份,有效問卷313份,有效回收率為87 %。本問卷經效度因素分析,顯示參與電競遊戲動機可分為三個因素:為追求技術表現、與社會互動、逃離現實紓壓 ; 體驗後可影響個人情感、社交活動二個因素 ; 知覺價值為滿意度一個因素 ; 行為意向分成 : 正向行為、負向行為二個因素,部分人會有強烈過度的消費意圖。信度分析本問卷量表在動機、體驗、知覺價值、行為意向各構面的Cronbach's Alpha 值皆有0.9以上,顯示本問卷設計優良,題目具適切性。本研究並利用迴歸分析,結果顯示,動機對體驗有顯著正向直接影響; 體驗對知覺價值有顯著正向直接影響; 動機對知覺價值有顯著正向直接影響; 知覺價值對行為意向有顯著正向直接影響; 體驗對行為意向有顯著正向直接影響; 動機可以透過體驗、知覺價值對行為意向有顯著正向直接影響。問卷結果顯示參與電競遊戲主要是想拋開日常生活瑣事、想消磨時間、紓解壓力,體驗後又可增加同儕互動、交談等社交,是現今年輕人的潮流,本研究分析電競遊戲使用者之行為及喜好度,希望對電競遊戲廠商有所幫助。


The object in this study is the participants who participated and experienced e-sports games. Questionnaires were used to investigate and to analyze the result.A total of 360 respondents were collected with 47 invalid respondents and 313 valid respondents. The effective recovery rate was 87%.The validity of this questionnaire shows that the motivation to participate e-sports games may be divided into three factors: pursuit of technical performance, social interaction and escape from reality. After gaining the experience, it will affect the participants’ personal emotions and social activities. A factor for satisfaction; Behavioral intentions are divided into two factors: positive behavior and negative behavior. Some participants showed strong excessive consumption intentions. Reliability Analysis, the Cronbach's Alpha values, of the questionnaires in terms of motivation, experience, perceived value, and behavioral intentions are all above 0.9, indicating that the questionnaire is of good design and the subject is appropriate. This study also used regression analysis. The results show that motivation has a significant positive direct impact on experience; experience has a significant positive and direct impact on perceived value; motivation has a significant positive direct impact on perceived value; perceptual value has a significant positive impact on behavioral intention direct impact; experience has a significant positive and direct impact on behavioral intentions; motivation can have a significant positive direct impact on behavioral intention through experience and perceived value. The results of the questionnaire show that participants participating in e-sports games mainly to abandon trivial matters of their daily lives, to kill time, to relieve stress, and to increase social interactions, such as, peer interaction and conversation after having the experience. This is the trend of young people these days. This study analyzes the users of e-sports games, the behavior and preferences of the players. I hope this study will be helpful for manufacturers of gaming games.


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