  • 期刊


The Application of an IASM Model to a Cancer Patient with Nausea and Vomiting Symptoms


癌症病患因其疾病本身或因治療因素常會導致各種不同的症狀,這也常是造成病患生活品質下降的主要原因。本文呈現一位53歲病患,在住院期間因子宮頸癌第三期接受放射線治療所産生嚴重的癌症症狀。於護理過程中首先運用Gordon十一項功能性健康型態做一整體性評估,並藉此確立出病患有自我照顧能力缺失、高危險性感染、家庭運作過程改變及營養狀況改變的護理問題。除針對上述護理問題提供護理措施外,由於病患第一次接受放射線治療而造成住院期間非常嚴重的癌症症狀,噁心嘔吐;因此再藉由症狀處理模式(An Integrated Approach to Symptom Management,以下簡稱IASM)對病患的症狀進行評估並藉此確立出病患噁心嘔吐問題,進而提供病患需要的症狀處理策略,以提升病患出院後針對噁心嘔吐症狀自我處理的能力,進而達到改善其生活品質的目標。


症狀處理模式 噁心 嘔吐


Cancer patients commonly experience multiple symptoms that are related to the tumor or the side effects of the treatment. Those symptoms are one of the major factors affect the patients' quality of life. This article described a 53 years old female who experienced severely nausea and vomiting while undergoing radiotherapy in the treatment of the third stage ovary cancer. During the nursing process, the Gordon 11-item functional health assessment was used to identify patients' problems. The results showed that the major nursing problems of the patient were as follows: self-care deficit, high risk for infection, altered family processes, and altered nutrition. In accordance with this patient's cancer symptoms of nausea and vomiting, an integrated approach to symptom management model (IASM) was also applied to further provide the strategies in the patient symptom management and improve the patient's self-care ability. The major objective of the care plan was to promote the patient's quality of life.
