  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Studies on the Moisture Distribution of Rice Grain




水稻 水分含量分佈


In these studies ,the reasonable sample size of moisture content of rice grain was established and the variation of moisture distribution in different harvest time and in post-harvest processing were identified. The correlation of moisture content between measured with single grain moisture meter and measured with 130℃oven were also studied.The moisture content measured with single grain moisture meter was positively correlated with which measured with 130℃ oven (r=0.99). The resulting data indicates that when tolerable error(ε) is 0.5%, the necessary sample size needed 271-298 grains for wet rice, 25-27 grains for dry rice, but when tolerable error is 1%, the necessary sample size needed 68-75 grains for wet rice, 6-7 grains for dry rice.It shows a wide moisture distribution within panicle, and variation of wet rice is larger than that of dry rice.It also shows different moisture distribution in different harvest time, the peak of moisture distribution of rice grain harvested earlier is moved to the way of high moisture content, and that of rice grain harvested latter is moved to the way of low moisture content.The moisture content of wet rice has no significant change during storage,but the standard deviation of moisture content decreased in parralled with the length of storage time. The moisture content and its standard deviation decreased during dry processing, but after the moisture content is under 18%, the rate of change becomes slowly.


rice moisture distribution


