  • 期刊


Biphasic Effects of Wogonin in the Regulation of Spontaneous Sleep


漢黃芩素(wogonin)為中國傳統草藥黃芩(Scrutellaria baicelensis Georgi; Huang Qin)之有效成分,由其根部萃取而出。研究中指出,Wogonin是自由基清除者,並且具有消炎的作用。在睡眠機制的體液調節中,促進炎症反應的細胞動素對非快速動眼睡眠期(non-rapid eye movement sleep; NREMS)的調控影響重大,特別是IL-1β及TNF-α。本實驗之目的在探討wogonin對大鼠正常睡眠的影響。研究結果發現wogonin對正常睡眠具有兩個階段的作用:1.初期(initiation phase)作用:於亮期(light-period)開始前20分鐘打入wogonin後,造成在第1-2個小時之間NREMS百分比減少。2.晚期(late phase)作用:在暗期(dark-period)開始前20分鐘打入wogonin,在第8-12個小時的NREMS之百分比有增加的作用。另一組實驗中,發現wogonin能有效抑制IL-1β在暗期所增加的NREMS,這個結果表示初期作用是經由其抗發炎的作用。另外,我們於暗期先打入wogonin,待其作用至第七個小時,再給予GABA(下標 A)拮抗劑(bicuculline),結果發現,wogonin之晚期作用中的NREMS增加現象,會被GABA(下標 A)拮抗劑所抑制。以上結果顯示,wogonin對大鼠正常睡眠具有雙相的作用,且分別證實了初期的作用可能是藉由阻抗IL-1β受體所造成的;而晚期作用可能是藉由某些未知的機制,造成腦中GABA神經傳遞物質分泌量增加或增進了GABA(下標 A)受體的活性,而增加NREMS。


Wogonin is an active compound originated from the root of traditional Chinese herb Georgi. Wogonin acts as a free radical scavenger and possesses anti-inflammatory activity. In the homeostatic sleep regulation, proinflammatory cytokines, especially interleukin (IL)-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, play an important role in the regulation of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM; NREM) sleep. This study was designed to investigate the underlying mechanism of wogonin in the sleep regulation. Our results indicated that wogonin exhibited biphasic effects, including an initiation phase and a late phase responses, on the spontaneous sleep regulation. In the initiation phase response, the time spent in NREM sleep during 1(superscript st)-2(superscript nd) hours of the light period were decreased after intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of wogonin 20 minutes prior to the light period. However, the time spent in NREM sleep was increased during 8(superscript th)-12(superscript th) hours of the dark period after injection of wogonin 20 minutes prior to the dark period. We proposed that the initiation phase response may be due to the anti-proinflammatory effect, since wogonin blocked IL-1β-induced enhancement of NREM sleep during the dark period. As for the late phase response, we found that administration of GABA(subscript A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline, at the middle of dark period (the beginning of the 7(superscript th) hour) significantly blocked wogonin-induced enhancement of NREM sleep, suggesting the involvement of GABA(subscript A) receptors.


梅琍瑛(2010)。探討黃芩代謝物對低氧 誘導血管內皮細胞傷害之保護作用〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201001105
