  • 期刊


Prevalence of the Enterohepatic Helicobacter Infection in Pet Dogs and Cats from the National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital In-patients and Quarantine Center


螺旋桿菌可感染多種動物,部分菌株具人畜共通傳染的危險性,而犬貓的不顯性感染常成為人類最親近的感染源。為了解台灣地區寵物與進口犬貓螺旋桿菌的感染情形,同時釐清感染菌中是否存有具人畜共通傳染潛在危險性的螺旋桿菌,本研究針對臺大動物醫院門診及檢疫區,分別採集了92及361個糞材樣本進行雙重聚合酶鏈鎖反應之檢測。結果發現螺旋桿菌盛行率分別為52%及64%。於陽性樣本中隨機選取35個樣本進行序列親緣性分析發現,台灣地區及檢疫區的寵物犬貓均存在具人畜共通傳染潛在性危險性的螺旋桿菌,如Helicobacter canis、Helicobacter sp. Flexispira taxon 8、Helicobactor felis及兩株新型菌株。以上結果顯示,台灣地區與檢疫區的寵物犬貓感染螺旋桿菌群的情形均相當普遍,且有些菌株具人畜共通傳染的潛在性,可能危害第一線的獸醫相關人員與飼主、其他動物與整個環境。


Helicobacter infections have been reported in multiple species of animals. Some of them are demonstrated to be zoonotic. In order to understand the prevalence of enterohepatic helicobacters and potential zoonotic helicobacters in pet dogs and cats in Taiwan, a non-invasive fecal duplex PCR assay was developed and applied in this study. Fecal samples collected from 92 pets from National Taiwan University Animal Hospital (NTUAH) and from 361 pets in quarantine center were screened for helicobacters. The prevalence of helicobacter infection from NTUAH Clinic and quarantine center is 52% and 64%, respectively. From the helicobacter-positive samples, 35 samples were randomly selected, sequenced, and analyzed. Phylogenic analyses revealed that several potential zoonotic helicobacters, such as Helicobacter canis, Helicobacter sp. Flexispira taxon 8 and Helicobacter felis-like and some newly identified helicobacters were detected. The results of this study suggested that enterohepatic helicobacter infection is common in pets in Taiwan and in imported pets, and zoonotic helicobacters can be detected in pet dogs and cats. The helicobacter-infected pets have the potential to hazard the clinicians, owners, other animals and their living environment.
