  • 期刊

Assessment of Swallowing Function of Patients with Free Ileocolic Flap Reconstruction after Total Pharyngolaryngectomy







Functions for swallowing and phonation are the major concerns for patients after total pharyngolaryngectomy. The possibility of rapid restoration of swallowing and phonation function would be an important motivating factor for surgery for these patients. From January 2003 to December 2004, 12 consecutive patients, all male, aged from 33 to 69 years old (average 51.9), received free ileocolic flap reconstruction after total pharyngolaryngectomy. The swallowing function was evaluated by esophagogram and feeding patterns before and after concurrent combined chemo-radiotherapy (CCRT). Four cases died of tumor recurrence, metastasis or suicide in the 2 years follow up. All flaps survive well in early post-operative period, but one late flap failure due to damage of vascular pedicle 7 months after the initial operation. One case showed inferior junction stricture by esophagogram, and one presented pharyngocutaneous fistula. Choking was noted in three cases, but none developed aspiration pneumonia. One case was noted to be prolonged dysphagia and was dependent upon tube feeding. Others got good swallowing function after the operation. The rate in successful restoration of swallowing function of this procedure is 92%. Free ileocolic flap is an ideal flap for swallowing function restoration for the patients after total pharyngolaryngectomy. Simultaneous reconstruction of phonation will not interfere with the patients' swallowing.


ileocolic flap swallowing function
