  • 期刊

Replantation of Pediatric Multiple Digit Amputation Caused by an Automatic Cup-sealing Machine



現今台灣隨著人們對飲料的多樣選擇與便利性的需求,造成許多的立即沖泡式的泡沫紅茶店到處林立,而可以在幾秒內包裝杯型飲料的自動封口機,普遍存在於這些飲料茶店內。然而這些機器可能潛在造成孩童的嚴重手部傷害的危機,尤其是較小的幼童的小手。 我們報告一例兩歲四個月大的男童遭受到自動杯型飲料封口機截斷多隻手指的意外。該孩童因好奇心用右手去抓封口機杯架機器進而啟動機器造成右手被拉入機器內,接下來機器進行高溫封口器動作而壓斷。受傷的效應包括壓砸及接觸燙傷。整形外科醫師順利地進行顯微手術拯救右食指及中指,而右無名指則需要靜脈瓣的協助才能救回,但最後均達到令人滿意的結果。 現存的杯型飲料自動封口機是針對成人工作者而設計,我們建議機器製造廠商應重新對自動封口機加以設計成更高安全標準的裝置,並注意操作及使用安全,以避免此類幼兒較小手指意外壓傷的情形再度發生。




In Taiwan, many bubble tea booths provide convenience and choice of soft drinks. Automatic cup-sealing machines designed to package drinks in seconds are widely used in these shops. However, these machines have a hidden risk of causing disastrous hand injuries in children, especially toddlers. We treated a child, aged two years and four months, who was a victim of multiple digit amputation caused by an automatic cup-sealing machine. The trauma mechanism was the child’s accidental grasp of the machine through curiosity, which caused his right hand to be pulled in and compressed by the sealing device. These traumatic effects included both crushing force and contact burn. The affected right index and middle fingers were salvaged successfully in the first operation, but the replanted right ring finger needed a resuscitation procedure involving a venous graft, after which we achieved a promising result. This kind of pediatric finger amputation is preventable by redesigning the automatic cup sealer in a higher level of safety and by restricting access to the machine to employees only.
