  • 期刊


Retention of a Glass Ionomer Cement Sealant on saliva-contaminated Enamel at 9 Months


玻璃離子體可與牙釉質直接以化學鍵結合,並釋放氟離子;公共衛生上常用玻璃離子體為窩隙防齲封劑,省去繁複的牙齒表面處理。但田野作業時,牙齒易遭唾液污染,影響其固位率。實驗室之研究顯示:在無沖洗的條件下,僅以吹氣乾燥唾液污染的牙釉質,可恢復玻璃離子體與牙釉質間之黏著力。本研究的目的是要在臨床上,觀察玻璃離子體封劑在牙齒遭受唾液污染後,僅以吹氣乾燥處理臼齒表面,對玻璃離子體固位率之影響。選200位6-8歲國小一年級學童,其恆牙第一大臼齒至少萌出左右一對,且無齲齒者。以口腔分隔的方式,隨機分配控制側與實驗(污染)側,以Fuji IX(下標 GP)為窩隙封劑,塗佈於牙齒之窩隙,控制側按廠商指示的步驟完成塗佈玻璃離子體,而實驗側僅將污染的牙齒,以「吹氣乾燥」法吹乾牙齒表面後,塗佈玻璃離子體於牙齒上;每隔3個月檢查一次。所得之數據以Student's paired t-test及McNemar's test做分析。比較兩側封劑固位的情形。結果顯示,至6個月為止,實驗側玻璃離子體之固位率與控制側相當;而9個月後,污染側玻璃離子體之固位率有下降的趨努。因此長期而言,塗佈玻璃離子體封劑於未沖洗僅以吹氣乾燥的唾液污染齒面,其固位率降低。


Glass ionomer cement (GIC) can bond chemically to dental enamel, release fluoride, and be easily applied. In a public health setting, GIC is often used as a sealant material. However, during the application of sealants in children in field practice, saliva contamination is often encountered, which can cause failure of retention. An in vitro study indicated that without rinsing, air drying of saliva- contaminated enamel can restore the GIC bond strength to the enamel. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the clinical retention of a GIC sealant (Fuji IX(subscript GP)) on saliva-contaminated molars after an air-dry procedure without rinsing. In total, 200 school children, aged 6 to 8, were used, and their permanent molars were sound and sealed with Fuji IX(subscript GP). A split-mouth model was used, and sides were randomly assigned to the control and experimental (contaminated) groups. On the control side, the treatment procedures followed the manufacturer's instructions. The contralateral teeth were intentionally contaminated with saliva then air-dried without rinsing before sealant placement. Recall examinations were done at 3-month intervals. Student's paired t-test and McNemar's test were employed to statistically compare difference in the retention between the 2 sides. Results showed that the retention rate of Fuji IX(superscript GP) on the experimental teeth was comparable to that on control teeth after 6 months, while it seemed lower on the experimental side after 9 months. On a long-term basis, when compared to teeth with the regular surface treatment procedure, retention of Fuji IX(superscript GP) on saliva-contaminated tooth surfaces may be reduced with only air-drying of the tooth surface.
