  • 期刊


Applying a Creative Art Activity in Care: Report on an Experience with a Newly Admitted Resident




藝術創作 老年新住民 適應


Doing creative art has been shown to increase activity, reduce anxiety, promote confidence and self-esteem, increase sense of achievement, and facilitate participation in life activities in the elderly. This article describes a nursing experience that used creative art activities to help an elderly resident adjust to the environment and living conditions at a long-term care facility. During the care period from October 20th to December 16th, 2012, we evaluated the health problems of the resident, which included anxiety, loneliness, and low self-esteem. The creative art activity was a 30-minute intervention held 1~2 times per week for a total of 13 sessions. This article reports on the positive effects of this intervention on reducing the resident's negative emotions such as anxiety and loneliness and, in the long run, promoting self-esteem and sense of achievement.


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